Just In
for Roundabout Destiny

7/21/2021 c9 12Village-Mystic
I'm glad that Hermione was very thoughtful about the vow, and was able to share some extra information with Severus and Lily.
7/21/2021 c8 Village-Mystic
Enjoying the plot points and character moments.
7/21/2021 c7 Village-Mystic
Yes. Hermione is going to need a cover story about her "visions." The longer that she is in the time, the fewer things she'll be able to predict, too.
7/21/2021 c6 Village-Mystic
Good alternate plot points. Nice character moments.
7/21/2021 c5 Village-Mystic
Interesting plot points. And never made it to the party. She shouldn't say she isn't a seer - maybe "I can't confirm or deny."
7/21/2021 c4 Village-Mystic
Good ripples and changes so far.
7/21/2021 c3 Village-Mystic
I'm glad Hermione is having second chances, she can learn new things, and she is learning new things. She's gaining better social skills, and of course probably still reads for pleasure - probably learning new academic things from reading in the library at school and at home.
7/21/2021 c2 Village-Mystic
I like the introduction of a character we don't know well, Alphard. We don't know if he's his own person or has memories of another life and is just curious about the next generation, those who are his two younger, male cousins ages.
7/21/2021 c1 Village-Mystic
Good drama and character moments. I'm glad Hermione remembers, and I'm glad you aren't making it easy on her to have two sets of memories. I'm glad she's trying to change things with kindness morso than with academics. Does she have the same wand or different?
7/11/2021 c30 raynick11
7/5/2021 c29 Asmi
Hi, I am in love with this story. It's so beautifully written and I'm so happy I found this. I know it's been a while since this story has been updated but I was wondering if you could do a one-shot for an alternate destiny Hermione saw: James and Lily dying.

Thank You!
7/2/2021 c30 20Alytiger
6/28/2021 c30 Guest
Brilliant. Excellently written. It isn't often that time switching stories are easy to follow but this is. I fell into it hook, line and sinker and couldn't stop reading. Thank you.
6/23/2021 c30 3Cathy Paige
I don’t know if you still return to these reviews or not, but if you do, I am glad. Yours is one of the stories I like to revisit every so often, but I’ve never been able to read this last “alternate” ending until now. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever appreciated a heart wrenching ending before, but for this story, I am glad you decided to write it. It makes me appreciate the actual ending, but I must admit that I love this ending as well. You are such a wonderful writer, and I am thankful you chose to impart your gifts to all of your many adoring fans (myself especially).
6/21/2021 c30 Guest
Just want to say how grateful I am that Ch 30 was an au for this fic, it had me sobbing by the end and I take comfort in the original ending. Well done, your writing was absolutely beautiful.
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