7/12/2012 c4 ilovepotato
aww... it's so cute! lucius is courting hermione... ans sirius is all jealous but he doesn't know it yet.
aww... it's so cute! lucius is courting hermione... ans sirius is all jealous but he doesn't know it yet.
7/12/2012 c1 Neville'sEcotopia
I'm curious who cast that spell that caused this whole thing! Also, I don't believe I saw it mentioned, but did she somehow come to the epiphany that her other memories are from the future?
Yay, Crookshanks (or a relative of his)! I'm looking forward to the future chapters! Oh by the way, where is Pettigrew in all this? Did he not meet James and Sirius and therefore get sorted into a different house (like Slytherin)?
I'm curious who cast that spell that caused this whole thing! Also, I don't believe I saw it mentioned, but did she somehow come to the epiphany that her other memories are from the future?
Yay, Crookshanks (or a relative of his)! I'm looking forward to the future chapters! Oh by the way, where is Pettigrew in all this? Did he not meet James and Sirius and therefore get sorted into a different house (like Slytherin)?
7/11/2012 c1 Lizzie
A promising begining. I can't wait for more. You know, looking far ahead, she could be their secert keeper. H would never betray her brother and her friend. She would die first.
A promising begining. I can't wait for more. You know, looking far ahead, she could be their secert keeper. H would never betray her brother and her friend. She would die first.
7/11/2012 c1 ilovepotato
Awww... This is too cute! I love it already! I cannot wait for more chapters t come! Great start!
Awww... This is too cute! I love it already! I cannot wait for more chapters t come! Great start!