Just In
for Roundabout Destiny

4/21/2021 c30 21Zaxarus
I've read the story years ago. the late extra chapter is a very interesting and sad addendum.
4/18/2021 c29 h i g h r e e v e n n
i cried so much holy crap, AND THIS IS MY FOURTH TIME READING THIS STORY? i-

anyway i love this story so much its amazing and plus I WOULD DIE FOR LUMIONE time travel story, i love how you portray him, ahhh! KUDOOS!

so like i had my limit on chapter 30 so I'll just comment here lol
4/17/2021 c30 578Tarafina
Jesus. Okay, so the original story was phenomenal. I was so captivated it was difficult to put down. Hermione was amazing and the relationships and bond built with equally phenomenal side characters was wonderful to read.

Everything was built up beautifully and well paced. I adored old-Hermione’s commentary and guidance. I loved Hermione’s sibling bond with Lily and Severus. I loved her guards, who each felt unique and interesting. I loved the history and loyalty and trust between her and Lucius. Her and James were wonderfully adoring of each other while still keeping the exasperation that comes with siblings. And I adored her relationship with Sirius and watching it build them both up. He really is so complicated and I think her love and their relationship helped build up his foundation better. I also liked the aspect of their fated souls.

And I especially just loved this version of Hermione who was confident and calculated and sly and smart and dedicated and loyal and lovely. Truly a masterpiece to exploring her mind and motivations.

The AU one shot absolutely broke my heart. I cried like four different times. I wasn’t sure what happened with her parents because they were never mentioned again so I wasn’t clear on if they died, because I can’t imagine them handling the ejection from their family well or even handling Sirius particularly well considering it likely would have killed her. Other than that, which was more a question than anything, the rest was beautifully heartbreaking.

I love how loyal her guard was to her, Regulus, Severus and Lucius especially. I loved her friendship with Narcissa and her mentor ship of Luna. And while I usually don’t like reading about the next generation, it was quite fitting to see how the children of the guard had been impacted by their parents choices and lives and how they moved in their world now. Draco especially, overhauling Slytherin and living with this pride for honour and loyalty. I appreciate that Harry was curious and pursued a relationship with Hermione on his own. I found myself angry but also understanding of James. I wasn’t sure why Lily couldn’t go see her. I’m not sure if that’s related to the bond. She at least could have gotten closure with Hermione if she wanted to. But then I wasn’t sure if her marriage bond was impacted by the severing of James and Sirius’ bonds to Hermione.

It’s funny too because coming off the main story, Sirius was fantastic and supportive and would never risk any harm to Hermione, so to read him as less confident in them, I found it hard to pity him in his grief. His suffering was potent and raw and well deserved. I mean, she could have died and then spent 19 years in agony due to his actions. I think I actually would’ve been mad if the kids chose to forgive him. It was quite fitting that their daughter chose politeness to honor her mother but couldn’t allow more than that. The weight of 19 years of loving a mother who was in pain and holding on as long as she could for her kids would be hard. I like that this was explored in how her children were more grown up than their age group, it’s very realistic. I also appreciate just everyone who stayed close in support of Hermione and the children. Again, cried like four times. And it was so beautifully done. Sincerely one of the best stories.
4/17/2021 c30 ora1168
Hermosa historia muy interesante, claro que el Omake, era para usar una sabana en vez de pañuelo. Excelente, voy a seguir leyendo mas de lo tuyo, me encanto el final donde todo sale bien y omake tambien, gracias por el buen entretenimiento.
4/16/2021 c30 3SkyePotter14
OMG! You totally shouldn't have written this last page... I loved Roundabout Destiny as a whole, but could have done without Repudiated Destiny - it put me off the original story, and it made me cry - a lot.
4/15/2021 c30 Jazmin Li
Primero ame todo la historia.
Este capítulo final me mato. Me lloré todo.
4/13/2021 c30 Seraphix
omfg. the 28 chapters themselves were beautiful and repeatedly made me smile and laugh. but this one-shot au is just. oh fuck. it hurts so much but its beautiful and the mistakes and pain everything shows. cassiopeia's relationship with sirius seems to broken and this just reminds me of that song. like: [I am his, he is mine. in the end its him and I.] and even though she died and he's grieving for her I like to think that they would be reborn in other bodies and have a second chance at their love, but this time with trust and faith. *sigh* may this story be loved decades into the future..3
4/4/2021 c30 0peneyeZ
Oh now you’ve done it. I’m a sobbing mess. I knew i should have read it, I was supposed to know better. Damn it.
3/30/2021 c30 darkpegasuzz
nice story, really loves the one shot
3/30/2021 c30 Ari
Love that youre writing more and that you revisited this story that I have loved for years, but I very kindly request that you please write a more wholesome one-shot, as I can't cry like this again, my heart hurt the entire time.
3/30/2021 c30 jennchadmann
I am not usualy the type to cry over stories, but damn, the end certainly started the waterfalls. You have written a beutiful story, thank you.
3/24/2021 c30 1LilyMonster012
Shiiiiit this was sad now I'm crying. I'm glad it was just a vision. I read in class and the teacher kept looking at me like 'are you alright'. Damn tho that was a great story. Loved it
3/23/2021 c30 fantasyinmymind
You can tell how good a story is if it makes you laugh or cry - this AU ending made me cry.
3/23/2021 c30 WhisperLynn
I have read this so many times and I came to do another reread to find you found a new way to make me cry. I love Ch. 30 but I see that as vision and a vision only. You are truly remarkable author. Thank you!
3/21/2021 c28 Princessgeek493
That was my favorite fan fiction ever wow really great strory so well written
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