Just In
for Roundabout Destiny

2/20/2021 c1 Rice with Chest-Nuts
novita jelly~ novitaa jelly~
2/18/2021 c30 Ashley Booth
this was brilliant. the original ending is amazing and this alternate has me crying.
2/18/2021 c28 nif-ravenpuff
What a beautiful and delightful story to read! I’m trying to decide if I have the courage to read the one-shot.
2/16/2021 c1 CatQueen07
Ahh I love this story
2/15/2021 c30 Sporks and Knives
Aww, that last one shot (Repudiation) absolutely killed me, I teared up multiple times! What did Harry mean, though, when he came back from his visit and kept asking Lily "Did you know?" I don't get it!

Thanks so much for adding to this amazing story!
2/13/2021 c30 Guest
This is so completely sad.
Good job making us cry ;)
2/12/2021 c26 Guest
This is so cute.
Congratulations for this story was so awesome.
Clap clap clap
2/12/2021 c30 Lindy
I sobbed reading this. Holy shit. Amazing and heartbreaking and soul-crushing.
2/12/2021 c30 Guest
Oh wow. That is some powerful stuff. I adored the main story - particularly the Ladies Society and Hermione’s milites but this last chapter is wow. I wanted to read it, wanted it to be emotionally powerful and it was so well written I’ve almost got tears and I think if i wasn’t so tired i would be crying (for context i spent most of today reading this - it was so good i didn’t want to put it down so finished it in a day :) ) I’ve read some of your other longer fics and loved them (i don’t have an account so mine are the reviews with - reserved for special fanfics) but this one i think is my favourite. Just thank you fo both writing it and sharing it where i could read it, the main story is so clever and funny and this last bit so powerful. I’ve recommended it to my friends (kind of got very excited when the Ladies Society was established and needed to rant) but yeah, thank you.
2/12/2021 c15 2Emma.Henry.04.20.00
This is my favorite Harry Potter fanfiction I’ve ever read. Thank you for writing this
2/11/2021 c28 guest
this was an amazing story from start to finish. seriously. i loved it all from how she was a twin to how she went about changing things, and especially loved the ladies aide society when they were so much stealthier then the men. thank you!
2/10/2021 c18 Guest
Love the bits of humor scattered about here and there in this story. Yes, it's intense and there's plenty of drama and personality to keep the reader addicted (this is like my 5th? 8th? reread already), but the bits of humor are fantastic. Great job!
2/10/2021 c30 BrokenPocky
Since it seems you are making some alternative realities to your own alternate reality, have you considered making one for the vision where she gets reborn a third time? Cause I'm here for that
2/9/2021 c30 22Aimless Creation
This story was beautiful and I thoroughly enjoyed the writing style. It’s the perfect mix of plot and dialogue.

That final one-shot AU broke me. Thanks for that.
2/8/2021 c28 22DarylDixon'sLover
Great ending.
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