Just In
for Roundabout Destiny

1/20/2021 c30 Sudop9090
Damn that AU at the end. I def preferred the HEA, but that was so gut wrenchingly good.
1/20/2021 c30 OBsgurl2134
I cried so hard reading this. Made me wish that I could reach into the story and beat the snot out of Sirius. I now have to go find a happy story so my hubby doesn't think something is wrong.
1/20/2021 c30 Mia
this is so goooooood, i cried so much and this is the first time i read this, can u do muggleborn hermione next?
1/19/2021 c17 2Allycat2090
I just want to take a moment to say that this story really is amazing. I read this story years and years ago and come back to reread it every couple of years, and I find that certain things Still get to me in a good way. For example, even knowing about and rooting for Sirius and Hermione, and having read the absolutely heart-destroying other path for this fic, there's a part of me that would have loved to see a world where Hermione and Lucius stayed together. There are details I've forgotten that illicit an emotional response even though I know what's coming. Thank you for writing this story, it really it a well written piece.
1/18/2021 c30 alannalove1990
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww that was intense
1/17/2021 c30 Meimeireads
I enjoyed this story even more then 2nd time around (how is that possible?!) I cried my way through the new update and alternate ending. I’m so glad for the first ending though because I am a giant sap at heart and love a HEA.
1/17/2021 c1 Larahkatherine
Ahhhh yes it is time to read this for the 12th time
1/17/2021 c30 Guest
Truly Epic tears and ashes .ThankYou
1/16/2021 c30 BrightStar
Beautifully tragic. Thank you. ️️️️
1/16/2021 c30 Di
A truly great story. Thank you for writing it
1/14/2021 c30 1AquariaSawyer
oh my, this is so sad! I am gonna go cry in the corner now TT
Thank you for sharing it! 3
1/14/2021 c30 4reeroy
it has been ages since I read this story or thought about it. I can't even remember it clearly but I know that AU you did, the one where their bond was broken, had stuck with me since then. I am happy you explored the fallout. Maybe it's how horrible the world is now, but I'm more accepting of sadness and things not working out. This made me cry at parts. I especially felt her daughter's anger. Harry's too.

Thank you so much for sharing! I hope this finds you well.
1/14/2021 c30 belladonablush
1/14/2021 c30 booklifeforlife
I’m crying right now. This story is FREAKING AMAZING!
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