Just In
for Roundabout Destiny

5/27/2023 c30 soelstress
I loved the whole story, so beautifully written. I love the main ending you wrote, and bawled my eyes out at the one-shot.
5/17/2023 c30 maiqsmail
Damn, nice load of angst right there, that's some good stuff.
Previous fanfic overstayed its welcome some time after the fall of the dark lord and, honestly, there were some things that didn't make sense in how Hermione managed things with her knowledge. And the whole thing is so indescribably... womanly? Like it was so obviously written by a woman for women and I felt like I was intruding as a guy, honestly.
Ch 30 was a different thing on its own, a little overly dramatic but it suited the angst filled storyline perfectly. Thanks again for sharing.
5/17/2023 c26 maiqsmail
It all nice and good but I fail to see the purpose of this story shortly after the fall of the dark lord. Surely at one point enough is enough since major plot points are covered?
5/17/2023 c25 maiqsmail
Invincible shield charm necklace? That protects more than once them from the Killing curse? Now that's just too OP.
And of course the confrontation between the protagonist and BBEG had to involve monologuing. Eww.
5/16/2023 c30 1Glowmoon
Beautiful story, I left fanfic for a few years and just returned read the story again because I love it so much, and read the au on chapter 30, made cry and really dislike Sirius. If you ever decide, the other life she saw were she was reborn as Hermione Granger again. Was so intriguing, I would love to see something like that.
Anyway you are an amazing author and I'm glad to see this is still up.
5/16/2023 c15 maiqsmail
Ehh, I'm not sure I had to flip through pages of magical snogging there. Still Hermi/Sirius? Atrocious pairing. And I'm a fan of canon Ron pairing as well, though.
5/16/2023 c13 maiqsmail
Hermi going together with man-whore Sirius? Eww, disgusting. I hope they'll break up.
5/16/2023 c11 maiqsmail
No freaking wonder You-know-who managed to raise to power. Four seven-years, and that means of legal age, assaulted and tried to rape an underaged girl. No investigation, no expulsion, no criminal charges. Just one beating, and with medical healing it's like a slap of the wrist. I wonder what purebloods death eaters outside of Hogwarts went through, caught torturing people and it's a financial fine? Probably even less than that if muggles were targeted. And aurors using disarming/stunning hexes in life-or-death confrontations.
This pathetic magical Britain honestly deserves their Dark Lord. At least after his eventual downfall the status quo would be shattered and some long overdue reforms would be implemented. If I were there, I would emigrate the heck away.
4/18/2023 c28 1jiromanawari
i dont get all the overly positive comments about this's quite boring and obviously written by a woman...w/c most often than not, focuses more on feelings and drama. Not my cup of tea, at all. Despite all the memories of her past life, she sure is so passive and unimpressive for the supposed "brightest witch of her age"
4/15/2023 c30 sriuspotter
Essa história tem meu amor pra sempre. Estou chorando depois desse último capítulo, graças aos deuses que isso não aconteceu de verdade, se tivesse acontecido eu entraria em depressao profunda! Tive que voltar e ler o ultimo capitulo de verdade pra me certificar que Hermione e Sirius estavam bem! Meu deus..

Mas eu amei sua história e escrita. Parabéns pela sua história incrível.
4/14/2023 c30 Elizabethan Rose
That was beautiful and heartbreaking. Thank you
3/22/2023 c30 Mitzuki19
I love every chapter, you are a genius. And even though you broke my heart with that alternate world, I still loved it all. I love it, I thank you for such a wonderful story.
3/19/2023 c30 emmabrady
I really enjoyed this story.. I hope you write more similar to this..
3/11/2023 c30 Spinalittleglow
Like a masochist, I always come back to this heartbreaking one-shot! The whole story is one of my all time favorite fan fictions but the angst in this one shot is just immaculate
3/6/2023 c30 3Death By Insanity
This truly ripped my heart out. However, overall this story was amazing!
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