Just In
for Roundabout Destiny

2/27/2023 c30 Wishywashy1
Absolutely loved this story. The one shot absolutely tore my heart out.
2/23/2023 c28 pwrmom2
Loved this story. Sweet twist at the end.
2/2/2023 c29 Scarlet Nerd
Coming back yet again for another reread of this incredible story. I don't know how many times I've read this now, only that whenever i'm in a Harry Potter mood, it's inevitable that I bring myself back to this much beloved gem of a story. Honestly, the only way I could love this story more, would be if I could read about every day these two spend with each other, through their multitude of various lives (In which James and Lilly also appear, I couldn't imagine Hermione without James (Or Sirius without James either to that point haha) But honestly, I have read this story many times, and will read it many more. I just love this story so much, and send a mental thank you to it's incredible author every time I revisit. All the stars and hearts and magical fireworks for this story!
1/15/2023 c30 2PrincessoftheWood
I'm sobbing, I'm so glad you ended the story the way you did instead of following the repudiation side of the story. both endings were beautifully crafted and I cannot stop crying now, but thank you for sharing this story
1/4/2023 c30 1Miss-Margaux-Malfoy
Hi there, I loved your story and all the ups and downs. I wish you’d made more lengthy stories! I just adore your writing style and how you portray Hermione as a strong woman who can still accept help when needed!
12/29/2022 c18 Cecillia M
please, i dont understand french. what they are talking about? can you put the translate?
12/28/2022 c3 Cecillia M
its protego totalus
12/17/2022 c29 MargaritaS
Such a fantastic story, I absolutely loved your Hermione :)
12/13/2022 c30 eviemaries
love going back to this chapter once every so often. The angst is so heart-breakingly well written.
12/6/2022 c30 Guest
Love this fic! This was a reread for me, I’ve read it a few times and it was exactly what I needed. Love Hermione so much in this she’s just the coolest. You’re such a great writer with a real gift for characterization.
11/30/2022 c21 loony old fan
A-Team reference, love it.
11/19/2022 c30 Guest
If you wanted to write it, I would honestly love to read Hermione 3.0 and even Abraxia's story. You are a wonderful writer and I love to read your writings
11/15/2022 c30 rookie802
Great story!
11/3/2022 c21 20000 WPM
I love the ladies aide!
11/2/2022 c7 20000 WPM
Loved this chapter. Not surprised that Reggie fell for Hermione, she is one of the few that treat him well. Her smack down of her brother and Sirius was epic. Her conversation with Lily was hilarious. Good Chapter. I hope she finds a way to let Reg down easy.
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