Just In
for The Day of War

1/4/2014 c6 Abby
You have to keep writing this!
10/4/2012 c6 SupernaturalCheetahFast
cant wait fot the next chapter lovin it
9/13/2012 c6 Sirnonenath
I am so happy that you had time to update.

I love that you started with Lourdes' point of view. This sentence gutted me: "Lourdes had watched through constantly tear filled eyes as Matt and Ben had both broken down simply from watching their father fall to the ground with heart wrenching yells begging for his eldest to return."

I liked the subtlety with the whole 'was it Anthony or not' thing who spoke to Lourdes (allowing the audience to interpret how they wanted). You did a great job writing the atmosphere at breakfast the next day. Weaver's decision to take the fight to the aliens was awesome.

Poor Hal, trapped in his own body. Nice to get some information about what the eye's intended purpose was.

Woah, Tom took Matt along for the attack? What is he thinking? Or did the whole 2nd Mass just migrate and only some are going to actually attack? (Loved the moment with Ben carrying Matt though).

I have no idea what's going to happen when the 2nd Mass attacks. Love where you've taken this.

Thanks so much for the update. Love the story! Hope your move to London goes smoothly and that you find happiness in whatever you are doing there. :)
9/10/2012 c6 DriftingCloudz
Thnx for updating, loved the chapter!
9/10/2012 c6 9JoyScott13
So so so so so happy you updated again! I was getting worried that you'd stopped! Oh Hal... and Maggie and Lourdes and Tom and Ben and Matt and everyone... I love this so much! And as someone who lives near London, I welcome you :)
8/19/2012 c5 Sirnonenath
First, happy birthday! Hope you had a special day. :)

This chapter was so tense. I was so concerned for just about everyone and read so fast that I had to re-read the chapter to make sure I didn't miss anything. I love how many characters you give us in this chapter (Ben, Anthony, Anne, Tom, Hal, Weaver, Maggie, Matt, etc.). You do a fantastic job of giving us everyone's perspective of what's going on. It's difficult to do that without getting choppy but you manage it was grace and style. Lovely work.

The scene with all the Skitters and Mechs changing their objective to freeing alien-controlled Hal was so frustratingly good. Why do they want Hal as their pawn? I am so invested in this story.

Enjoy your travels!
8/19/2012 c5 47DancerInTheDark101
Oh my god! What a chapter! Love all the action you've thrown in. Was definitely worth the wait :) oh wow, so Hal's a pawn for the Skitters now... That will make future chapters very interesting! Another well-written chapter. I like how you involved virtually all of the characters in way or another. I enjoy learning what others think of the situations.

And happy birthday! I hope you had an awesome day XD

Also I'm glad that I could help you in being able to watch Falling Skies season 2! I'm currently on the train going home so I can watch the finale. Looks like its gonna be an epic one!

Keep up the fanatic work. Have fun on your holidaying and I will be eagerly awaiting the next chapter :)
8/17/2012 c4 DriftingCloudz
This is so cool! :D Update asap, I have to know what's going to happen!
8/5/2012 c4 Sirnonenath
Another great update. So many feels about this chapter.

I loved the beginning. You did a fantastic job with the opening. I felt for everyone (Tom, Hal, Anthony, Anne)... such an awkward situation. Anne was perfection (love the detail about her treating Hal's wrist).

Matt's show of love to his brother just about killed me. How wonderful that Matt is the one to bring Hal out of his shell. :)

I'm glad that Weaver was smart and insisted on precautions regarding Hal.

"Kneeling with one leg on either side of Hal's own he took the hands that were chained together and held them firmly in his own." Love the way you wrote this.

Yay for Matt and Ben coming to help out at the end. What a crazy ending (an eyeball? and an attack?) Hope you update soon!
8/4/2012 c4 Guest
You updated! I love this story so much and I was worried that you had forgotten about it! This eyeball thing is crazy! Great writing and can't wait for the next update! This was a great chapter and I loved how you were able to show Hal's haziness in this chapter. Great job and can't wait for what's next :)
8/4/2012 c4 9JoyScott13
YOU UPDATED THIS! :):):) I was starting to worry that you wouldn't, and I love this - its so well-written?
Have you tried Isohunt? You can download U-Torrent for free, and then people rate and comment on the torrents so you know their safe, and you can download the episodes to watch? I've got FX so I'm alright - but this series is so amazing you have to watch it! :)

8/4/2012 c4 47DancerInTheDark101
Loving the story so far! You've got a very interesting plot going on, can't wait to see what happens next! It's very well-written and easy to read too :)

Holy shit, an eyeball? Ooooh, that's bound to generate some WTF moments. And an incoming Mech attack... chapter 5 should be very interesting!

It sucks that you haven't been able to see any of season 2 yet! It's freakin' amazing.

You could try a website called "couchtuner". Add the www and dot com to it obviously :) It's the site my brother in New Zealand uses to watch it, so it may work for you?
8/4/2012 c4 anne laure
I just read all your chapters and I look forward to reading the other chapters and see what will happen to Hal
8/3/2012 c4 Tyler
i liked this chapter the most, i thought it played on hal's confusion and the masons' struggling with him being a threat.

btw, falling skies is on tnt
8/3/2012 c4 Guest
I really enjoy your fanfic. It's so well written :) please continue :)
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