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for 18th Rose

7/13/2012 c1 mercury
Please write a 2 shot. This is really good, plus you actually use proper grammer. Thank you.
7/13/2012 c1 Guest
Please continue! It is very good, but I think you should make the spark between Percy and Annabeth show more or else readers will be confused on how and why they fell in love.
7/13/2012 c1 Greeks vs Geeks
i loved the story. it was even better with the music playing in the background. awesome story! keep it up!
7/13/2012 c1 3The Cloaked Witch
It's a great story, beautifully written. I spotted one error ("Maybe Percy did memorized her number." should be "Maybe Percy memorized her number.") but it was minor. I loved it, great job!
7/13/2012 c1 1sasaway
lol, love it!

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