Just In
for Rise of the Evil Forces

10/19/2014 c50 4Truth Questor
So... This whole epic chronicle was written to explain why Navi is such a klutz in the opening scene. ;) Just joking.

Wow - yay! It's finally done! Woo-hoo! I love all the allusions to OOT in the last few chapters (and, really, all throughout).

It has been more than five years now since I first discovered this very original Zelda prequel, so seeing it finally published in its entirety is a joy. Congratulations! I'm happy I was able to be part of it.
10/19/2014 c47 Truth Questor
All the loose ends are being tied up! I'm happy to see it finally published. :)
10/19/2014 c46 Truth Questor
Wow! Finally, the long-awaited canon characters appear! That was sudden and without the fanfare I was expecting, but it makes sense that they would simply arrive on the scene so naturally. It's startling how this chapter changes dramatically from light to dark - now it's on to the next one!
10/11/2014 c49 10Rose Aegis
Oh no, I was right. Ganondorf is possessed! Such a depressing chapter, you made me sad. :( But I'll still look forward to chapter 50!
10/8/2014 c48 Rose Aegis
Glad to see this again. And now, my predictions have been proven false once again. You're certainly a lot more creative than I am. But I'm still looking forward to seeing where this goes!
9/24/2014 c46 Rose Aegis
Glad to see you've updated, and I'm also glad to see Ganab. You've left a real cliffhanger here, haven't you? But I can see where this is going. Great chapters, and I'll be looking forward to 47!
9/21/2014 c46 Talos
Great story keep it up
9/14/2014 c45 Guest
If only it were always that easy to get over broken hearts... I like seeing things coming together in these past two chapters. Resolution is nice, but I suppose we'll have to get back to the badguys soon. :/
8/30/2014 c44 Rose Aegis
I've had my eyes on this story for quite a while, and now I finally review! Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good for Aeross, and pretty bad for Ganondorf. I THINK I'm starting to see how he turns evil, but really, with all the stuff he's gone through, I can totally see why he'd just turn evil on his own. I rarely ever feel bad for Ganondorf, but you're just making my heart break for him. Going great so far!
8/26/2014 c43 4Truth Questor
Yay! I hope Cassandra gets some of the credit for this, since she helped. If only she and her father could have talked about this days earlier...
2/22/2014 c40 Truth Questor
Mido's silliness made me laugh! The guy's got issues...

How strange it must have been for the Deku Tree to recognized Majora in Sabrina.

Antony and Sabrina are a really cute couple, too.
2/22/2014 c39 Truth Questor
"I give you my word, I will never turn my back on you."

Oooh, that's a bit chilling.

Feeling sorry for Ganondorf feels weird! But I do...
11/16/2013 c38 Truth Questor
Finally got around to reading this. More, please!
8/4/2013 c37 Truth Questor
Ooooooh! Antony talked to Creon first; Ganondorf talked to Sabrina first. This is all going to come to a head soon - and what then?
7/23/2013 c36 Truth Questor
Aww... I'm glad that ended on a happy note. But oh, dear... Who's going to propose to Sabrina first?
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