Just In
for Social Cliques

7/25/2017 c4 TheFairyHunterofKonoha
WHERE'S THE NEXT CHAPTER, HUH? Social Cliques roxx! Just COMPLETE it, okay?! Shannaro! *sorry, just got the urge to imitate Sakura*
1/31/2017 c4 cespericueta35
where's the rest
5/2/2014 c4 Renee Dance
Oh my gosh that was freakin' awesome! Please update really soon! It was amazing! I didn't notice any errors so good job!
5/2/2014 c2 Renee Dance
That was pretty awesome and really funny too! Good job.
4/21/2014 c4 295sdawn
3/24/2014 c4 normalkiwi
Hurry and update!
12/20/2013 c4 4mischeif maker
Lol nice job. So is hinata gonna tell neji who she is, I mean they are cousins
12/19/2013 c4 5Mystery Day Dreamer
Yey! xD That was awesome! i hope you update soon! 3
12/13/2013 c3 4mischeif maker
Cool update soon
10/5/2013 c3 AKSHALQ
7/8/2013 c3 5ThisWarrior
Whoo! Nice story please update soon! :D
6/13/2013 c1 Mir404
Like the plot and what's happening so far. Wonder what's going to happen next. Please write more.
6/2/2013 c3 AngelesPG
gracias por el capi me gusto
6/2/2013 c3 jiminicricket
OMG! I loved the song Sakura and Hinata sang! I memorized the whole song and I'm very addicted to it! 3 4ever I also like your story! Sasuke was so cute when he little. Hehe. :3
6/1/2013 c3 Miss.nami-ya
Thank you for updating the story I was waiting for some time so now I can't wait till the next chapter!
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