Just In
for White Dresses

8/22/2012 c1 12Digi Yo
Wow this was intense. And well wonderful!
7/18/2012 c1 8Takerus Lost Angel
Really cute one shot!
I see a lot of potential for you to divulge even deeper into the plot. Perhaps you may want to consider writing what happened to Kari, or what fight was T.K. in. Just something you may want to consider. Great work!

Keep writing,
7/17/2012 c1 Valechan92
They give me so many emotions... thank you :)
7/17/2012 c1 Lilian Reed
Awww, I love this story! It almost made me cry (which is pretty hard for me to do). Your writing is just that good!
7/16/2012 c1 coolboi12
can i be in the story

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