Just In
for Fix You

2/22/2019 c30 HSkarsgard
This was a nice read. Wee bit angsty but nothing over the top. Mostly lemons if you're into that kind of thing, but really good overall :)
11/18/2017 c20 skyates26
I hate sookie in this story she totally overreacts to everything. Who cares how many people a person has slept with before you it's in the past and everything else she gets up in arms about. I do like the story overall though
11/17/2017 c30 KristinaDEllis
Love this story!
2/5/2016 c30 MiniLover
Such an amazing story! This was actually my second time reading this. The first time was over a year ago. I was new to Fanfiction (yes, I was late to the party.) and wasn't sure about the reviewing, following etc stuff and actually didn't remember I had read this until a couple of chapters in. By that time I was hooked again and actually left some reviews this time around. It really was such an enjoyable read. You wrote amazing characters and your storyline was so rich with emotions. Truly awesome!
2/5/2016 c24 MiniLover
The conversation with Holly had me tearing up. What a tough spot to be in. Luckily thing are looking up for her.
2/5/2016 c16 MiniLover
I needed tissues for this chapter. So touching.
2/5/2016 c12 MiniLover
Oh, so sad! Poor Amelia. And poor Sookie, losing her best friend :'(
2/5/2016 c8 MiniLover
Wow, so Sookie went there! Wonder what Eric will have to say to that. So, what's going on with Amelia?
2/5/2016 c1 MiniLover
I can't wait to see where this is heading and what you have in store for these two.
8/26/2015 c30 2Sunshine Running Wolf 89
I loved this story! I became emotionally invested in the characters. When Amelia admitted she was dying and found the courage to be with Tray anyway it moved me to tears. That is truly the highest compliment i can give to a writer!
1/17/2015 c30 7tanseynz
Nice! Sookie came a long way, and you get the feeling Eric will pull her up if she does the sulk thing again, especially if she tries it on Amy. Then again, if Amy's anything like Amelia, she'll sort her mother out before she's walking.
Ty for sharing your fun story.
1/17/2015 c27 tanseynz
'I never want to push you?' C'mon Sookie, you push him then get in a snit when he gives you an answer.
Those two are going to end up with the seven babies the way they're going. Comes of having sex, often!
1/17/2015 c23 tanseynz
Oh boy, now she's being a hypocrite as well. SHE said she wasn't 'the pretty one' but when he agreed, (before telling her she was the georgous one) sulk! Is she going to start needing OTT compliments now every time she puts herself down? That'll get old pretty quick. She's better than that if she just thinks for a minute.
1/17/2015 c20 tanseynz
She definitely needs to learn how to deal with his honesty when she doesn't want to hear it - her insecurities are otherwise going to break them up and she'll blame him as thats the sort of woman she is at present.
Just as well neither of them are the sanctimonious 'no sex/no living together until after the wedding' types as that marriage wouldn't last 72 minutes let alone 72 hours.
1/17/2015 c19 tanseynz
Here we go again. Eric needs to stop apologising. He did nothing wrong yet she's still sulking and shutting him out, so when he said 'Get out!', he was just giving her a bit of her own medicine.
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