Just In
for Second Time Around

8/10/2021 c8 Guest
OVER 9,000 WORDS! Wow! Congratulations!
8/10/2021 c7 Guest
Ouch! I hope your finger is okay ️
8/10/2021 c16 Guest
I don't find Hermione's sudden lack of understanding when it comes to her own emotions convincing. Since she was able to pinpoint before when she was feeling jealous and also recognised her own crush on Ron in the previous chapters. To think that she wouldn't even acknowledge her own feelings about Pansy and Draco as something like possessiveness or even acknowledge that the kiss clearly meant that Draco liked her does not make sense for her character in my opinion.
I'd solve this by either going back and editing previous chapters to fit the narrative that she's just not that introspective or adjust her perspective and make her acknowledge that she's shy or just not ready to admit to her feelings.
This regression does not fit and makes her look rather dumb.
7/29/2021 c8 6FelineNinjaGrace
I wish that Harry and Draco could be friends in secret. If Hermione can be friends with him in secret then surely Harry can too! Not Ron though. No one likes him ;) lol
7/22/2021 c19 FibonnacciStars
I love how you mention that he likes her natural curls before talking about her pretty hairdo. As a wild haired person the trope where softer waves are part of the glow-up always weirded me out
7/21/2021 c26 lynxfic
i love theo too
7/21/2021 c26 lynxfic
i love dark dramoine. so this is great
7/21/2021 c24 lynxfic
well that was intense
7/20/2021 c20 lynxfic
no this was great
7/20/2021 c19 lynxfic
ahhh! plus theo is such a mood.
7/20/2021 c16 lynxfic
oh, wow exciting
7/20/2021 c13 lynxfic
Really enjoyed this chapter. I love Draco and Theo's friendship. And of course I love Draco and Hermione.
7/20/2021 c7 lynxfic
thank you for your dedication of tying this out with 1 hand
7/4/2021 c24 Amvv
What!? Nooooo I’m so sad how could you
7/4/2021 c19 Amvv
Yay finally
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