Just In
for Second Time Around

7/20/2012 c1 Guest
Keep going! I will hunt you down if you don't!

P.S. I'm adding this to my favs!
7/19/2012 c1 Karatekid-ninja
I loved the general plot it is good so far can't wait to read more... My account won't let me sign in...
7/19/2012 c1 7The Cute One
Please continue this! Actually, you seem to be writting this as if it has more chapters already, so why not continue? Keep on keeping on .
7/19/2012 c1 8TheLadyBookworm
I can already tell this is going to be a charming and endearing story. Please update soon.
7/19/2012 c1 6Goyard
Very promising first chapter. I'd love to read more.
Can't wait for the update! :)
7/19/2012 c1 Guest
please please put up the new chapter im dying here...yes im being melodramatic but common PLEASE!
7/19/2012 c1 colao
very interesting...
7/19/2012 c1 1CoffeeRambler
This is duch a creative ideal and well written too! I hope you update soon!
7/19/2012 c1 3arabellagrace
great start
7/19/2012 c1 Baranisa
I really loved your story so far. It's so heartbreaking (in a good way) and I had to try very hard to not cry so I could continue reading Please, please continue! Your writing is exceptionally emotional and breathtaking. Just wonderful - perfect 3 Can't wait for the next chapter if you'll decide to write & publish it.
7/19/2012 c1 IGOTEAMEDWARD
I love the start!
7/19/2012 c1 thebookworm90
Interesting. I wonder if he'll ever know that he managed to get a second chance. Or will Dumbledore know and enlighten him? Or will he be forever in the dark. Please update soon.
7/19/2012 c1 zenbon zakura
that was potter wasnt it?
7/19/2012 c1 Guest
great story! it's really interesting, i hope you continue!
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