Just In
for Second Time Around

11/21/2022 c13 16DutchScorRosefan
Love it Draco’s emotions are portrayed beautifully.
11/1/2022 c88 1293 Diagon Alley
I just spent about a week getting through this story and holy wow, is it in depth and so well thought out and so detailed. It’s spectacular. You’ve really created something special here, and I’m so glad to have read it! I love love love Jonah. And I like the depth of Pansy’s character we’ve gotten to see, and her newfound companionship with Hermione.

That being said, I 100% understand the need to step away from writing. Due to depression and anxiety, I stepped away from writing as well, and it ended up taking nearly 10 years and an obsession with a new fandom with friends that write for it to find the spark to get me writing again (and I’ve not written in months, tbh, though I frequently think about the big story I’m writing).

I sincerely hope that you’ve been able to find some peace in your grief. Loss is never easy. Wishing you the best, and looking forward to when you get back to this fic some day :)

(And also guessing - mew has to be Luna’s daughter, that’s my prediction!)
11/1/2022 c12 16DutchScorRosefan
So slightly detouring from main story with the punch.
10/30/2022 c11 DutchScorRosefan
No Hermione, Ron isn’t loyal, run….
10/30/2022 c8 DutchScorRosefan
Sleep on the couch with your light on. I also hate stairs in the dark.
10/29/2022 c7 DutchScorRosefan
Love how you write this from Draco’s altered perspective.
10/28/2022 c5 DutchScorRosefan
Love the confliction of Draco’s internal dialogue
10/26/2022 c2 DutchScorRosefan
Hermione is an observant little thing. Hahaha poor Draco whipped, utterly so.
8/26/2022 c87 4Clovergirl100
Hey i hope ur doing well. I hope one day u finsh this wonderful story
6/20/2022 c75 8OCansino
i stopped at chapter 75. The premises of everyone thinking that the only option is to fuse them, specially the Hermione a Gryffindor, sounds un realistic. No one thought of him fighting to take over completely. Only the other half can do it, but why?
The idea that everyone it's ok with that answer without a protest, without getting angry or sad at the idea that the Draco they know and love will disappear sounds like nobody loved him in the first place. A replaceable character.
6/1/2022 c4 55artemisgirl
I'm really hoping he figures it out at some point. Though I'm thinking you'll have him realize in like fifth year or something, to avoid the issues of an adult brain being in love with a child
6/1/2022 c3 artemisgirl
Oh no! Draco, this is not the way T_T
6/1/2022 c2 artemisgirl
I wonder if he'll get his memories back
6/1/2022 c1 artemisgirl
This is so intense!
5/24/2022 c88 Alexia Colette
I hope you and your family are doing okay. Lots of love from a forever fan
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