Just In
for Bumf ck, Nowhere

2/4/2014 c14 55fogsrollingin
This was an absolutely wonderful read. Thank you!
2/9/2013 c14 369SupernaturallyEgocentric
Love this story and this is a great way to end it.
2/9/2013 c13 SupernaturallyEgocentric
Such good brothers.
2/9/2013 c11 SupernaturallyEgocentric
Excellent chapter, lots of suspense and action. Love it.
2/9/2013 c10 SupernaturallyEgocentric
Very good chapter.
2/8/2013 c9 SupernaturallyEgocentric
Good for you, Paul!
2/8/2013 c8 SupernaturallyEgocentric
Very good chapter, nice work on the address switch.
2/8/2013 c7 SupernaturallyEgocentric
2/8/2013 c6 SupernaturallyEgocentric
Oh no, Sam, when he finds out, you are toast! LOL!
2/8/2013 c4 SupernaturallyEgocentric
Oh Paul, you are E-V-I-L!
2/8/2013 c3 SupernaturallyEgocentric
Good chapter, but Sam, keep a lid on it!
10/24/2012 c14 ccase13
I liked that the boys had a semi good Christmas. Dean just needs to fake being ok a little better sometimes in season 2.
10/24/2012 c6 ccase13
This story has lots of Christmas pictures for lonely women. I want Dean in just those stockings from Santa.
10/24/2012 c5 ccase13
I've never used hair salons, but I would pay a LOT to have Sam Winchester was my hair!
8/2/2012 c14 weirdstar007
Cute story.
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