Just In
for Front Line Girl

9/12/2012 c43 horselover
I loved this. I apologize for not reviewing the chapters leading up to this. I loved the wedding, especially with Roy telling his mom to shut up or be thrown out.

I can't wait for them to go back to the present day. I want to see if Julian and the daughter, gah- I can't remember her name, get together. It would be perfect. She and Julian could be a military couple.

I really like Roy's father. Can't wait for a FINAL UPDATE! Wow! Can't believe it is almost over. Great job. Please don't kill me with a really long wait.
8/26/2012 c36 horselover
Oh my goodness! I was not expecting that ending at all with Jack being hurt instead of Bill. Will you still make the guys that Cally saved like Bill and Hoob face their fate? And what will Cobb say when he finds out that the gate is mended? I cannot wait! Oh, and tell Cobb for me, "KEEP OFF THE BOOZE!" Best line ever.
8/22/2012 c34 horselover
This is great. I like how Cally is pregnant and they both know about it but Call doesn't know that Cobb knows. This is going to be so good. I am really interested to see where you take the story, especially with Cobb and Cally. They need to get married! Please update soon...PLEASE!
8/19/2012 c30 horselover
Oh my goodness! I can totally picture Cally acting like a hyper ADHD kid who forgot to take their meds, while Cobb is simply Mr. Cool with his contained emotions. I can't wait to see if Cally and Cobb elope. And I also can't wait to see what is so unbelievable. I bet my dog (I don't have one) that Dick is proposing. Please update!
8/20/2012 c26 7vintagecowgirl101
Um... OH MY GOSH! Foster the People lyrics! Best band EVER! Ponty! 3 Haha, this chap made my night 100x better! Thank you! :D
8/20/2012 c32 vintagecowgirl101
Want more! :D Okay, I'll just say this, I just started reading... and WINTERS GOT MARRIED!? :D Haha, that was a shocker... but like I said, I just started! :p I'll be R&Ring more later! I'm sure I've said this before, but I like how you used Cobb... nobody ever does stories for that poor mick! xD
8/15/2012 c15 Guest
Hate to be a dead cloud but I noticed the Forrest Gump quote- while I did laugh and guffaw I need to point out that Forrest Gumo was written in 1986- and events such as Forest's wound in the Vietnam War did not occur until some what 20 or so years after the conclusion of the second world war.
Am loving this story! Cobb needs a little loooove!
8/12/2012 c7 3HeadbangGirl

Good story! hihi I like it! :D Though it's at times a bit confusing who's first person, but then again I don't always focus 100% :)

Uhm, question... what do you want to say with this: "Ho scritto una storia d'amore senza inizio e seza fine...per scriverla con te."? Not that I'm an expert since I'm no native, but I'm Italian-obsessed, and my boyfriend is Italian, so I guess I'm not really that ignorant.. it seems a bit of a weird sentence to me, if you don't mind me saying And uhm, the pater noster is in Latin, not Italian - easily found on wiki? ;)

Sorry for being so precise, I'm obsessed with this kind of stuff (if you do it, do it right?) mhaha :)

8/9/2012 c26 horselover
Thank you for acknowledging (I am pretty sure that is how you spell it, if not, oh well) me. I just love this story, I love how you are working with a character that is mainly in the background in the series. I think it kinda gives you more room to work with. You don't have to fulfill any standards or requirements for Cobb. But, isn't al fanfiction like that? I love how Cally is going to see Winters and Nixon in her tank top and undies! That'll give them a shock. Please update soon, they need to have their moment! *makes dramatic face and grovels around on the ground* PLEASE!
8/5/2012 c25 horselover
Me, once again. I loved it! I like how Roy and Cally are together again, and I'm curious if they ever have their "alone" time so you can finish the bed scene. But, I must again slap myself because it is your story, not mine. You can't update soon enough.
8/2/2012 c22 horselover
My goodness. These past chapters have been quite interesting. I am glad to see Michael gone, for good now. But Roy and Cally need to make up. I don't like it when they are fighting with each other. But, once again, I must remind myself that this is not my story.
7/31/2012 c17 horselover
Me once again. Oh my gosh! I am shocked to see where this leads because I thought the gate was closed.?.? I am just glad Smokey saw him too. If Cally was the only one, the others would probably doubt her, but not with Smokey and Cally. Hey, maybe you can kill off Michael during Market-Garden or Bastogne. This is your story, however and I need to rein myself in. But it is a *cough* suggestion *cough*.
7/31/2012 c16 horselover
Me again. Great new chapters! I loved them. Then again, I love anything and everything about this story. I loved the awkward situation at the end of this chapter with the whole marrying thing. Can't wait to see how that will pan out. You can not update soon enough!
7/26/2012 c12 horselover
Here again. I love the story and I love how they are in love but they haven't admitted it to each other yet. I could have killed Canada! Hopefully, they will have their moment again. You can not update soon enough!
7/25/2012 c10 horselover
I loved it. But I love everything about this story. I am actually kinda hoping they don't get the gate fixed so she is 'stuck' back in time. That way, she is with Cobb. But it's not my story. Great chapter, you can't update soon enough!
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