Just In
for Kisses and Revenge

3/6/2016 c2 johnsonml2004
Are you kidding me! You cant stop the story there! Please finish it and soon! Or make another story continuing this one. Just hurry!
11/22/2015 c2 Kayhlie
Omg, that was awesome! I'm sad that it had to end
1/25/2015 c2 2dezzykitkats
OH MY GAWSH I LOVE IT! Are you continuing this story? I can't wait to see what happens next!
4/16/2013 c2 mac1222
love it lol :D
8/10/2012 c2 LoudNProud
wow that was brilliantly funny! :D
7/28/2012 c2 5FrenchFrylovesMaximumRide
! OMG THAT WAS SO FUNNY! I needed to keep my mouth closed, due to brushing teeth and a mouth full of toothpaste and whatnot. Let's just say I am VERY lucky that my computer isnt shorting out right now.

now, back to lovely images: Rainbows, unicorns, pegasi, FAX! TIVA! MCABBY! JIBBS! NIGGY!
7/26/2012 c2 3Serenaisbestezrq387
Haha! That's what you get when you make bets on her whoa ooh ooooooh oh! Yay for paramore!
7/26/2012 c1 Serenaisbestezrq387
That was great! Good job you two, which ever of you two wrote this!
7/26/2012 c1 1SellTheeSoul4Bacon
Nice detail, but do you really think Max would act like that? Like she was a character in a cheesy romance? I really don't think Max would swoon or you know, get a hicky.
Now, I'm no flamer! Just trying to give ACTUAL advise.
7/26/2012 c2 32bordeaux cookies
7/26/2012 c2 3DragonGirl317
Haha! Love it! This is what we need more of, stories with good grammer! Nice job! Great plot too! :)
7/26/2012 c2 Guest
Poor Nudge!
7/26/2012 c2 FireInMyHeart226
*dies laughing* Annie, I thought you were the innocent one! But this is pretty damn well written, i must say. *smirks slightly* Almost TOO well written if you ask me... LOL. Love you in the most heterosexual way. XD
7/26/2012 c2 2youcancallmeobsessed
Lol. Cute. :)
7/25/2012 c2 Me
Haha love the story! Ur a great writer! Yeah u showed that kid at camp who thought u were innocent! Can't wait 4 the update!
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