Just In
for The Tournament

7/1/2016 c1 Jiasen
Loved it great work.
12/15/2015 c1 Lophfgah
Please make more of these!
9/8/2013 c1 1Ranupi
Wow so dark but interesting! I feel really incomplete without Red saying how he felt :'( is there possibly going to be a sequel or extra? Anyways, I really enjoyed it!
6/22/2013 c1 1MoonLightAshura
That was hot...
I feel dirty xD
Need a sequel chapter ! They love each other but they don't even know it T.T

Sorry for bad english, I'm french :)
6/8/2013 c1 sky-deleted2018
Holy crap. This, the story and the writing, was gripping and just completely amazing.
Are you going to continue? Please do ;-;
12/17/2012 c1 18Evie Warner
I felt SO bad for Green in this. Then I felt bad for Red .. it was one of those situations when you don't know who the real victim is. I liked dark Green, though :D

That rape scene was actually quite .. hot. Does that make me a bad person? Maybe it was something to do with the whole dominant dark Green thing you had going on ..

Anyways .. poor Green, poor Red .. I like to believe that they had a happy ending at some point :) It would be nice to read the light version, as well .. did your friend ever post it? xx
8/18/2012 c1 Rea

That was so hot! Damn hot! Fukkin hot! I looove your dark!Green! Awesomely possessive and sexy *shot* poor Red, though, but rape is rape, and Green/Red rape is...HAWT.

K, write more dark!Green :p I'll read it again. Heh.
7/31/2012 c1 spectralhoe
Wow, Green is really dark here.. poor Red but what i wonderful story i love how jelouse Green was in the story. Anyway Great story!I love stories like these when Green is jelouse or dark

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