Just In
for Megaman: Shattered Planet

12/3/2012 c13 The Hightech Redneck
Wow I've missed a bit, but you're doing great man an now I'm caught up! Keep it up!
11/5/2012 c13 Delta3950
You're right that was short, but hey, you need some chapters that are small to keep people on on edge and wanting more, I mean if you only focus on large chapters that concentrate heavily on combat and not enough conversation you might not have that many likes.
10/16/2012 c12 Delta3950
Love triangle, just like in Rockman EXE Stream when Medi Showed up, both she and Roll were rivals for Rockman's affection.
10/16/2012 c9 Delta3950
Wicked, a ranged serpent type reploid, and an aerial melee type. Talk about originality, looks like I got some stuff to learn.
10/16/2012 c6 Delta3950
I like where this is going, the short chapters keep people in suspense while the plot thickens, ask me those people with the blasters were either Alia and Signas, or people looking to spread the Zero Virus.
9/17/2012 c7 The Hightech Redneck
Wow, this is great. Especially funny when he just went "I think we broke them" after the fight! Keep it up!

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