Just In
for Suicide

2/20/2020 c10 Guest
Your story is crap. Not worth anyone adopting it.
7/31/2016 c10 flash5509
sorta need lots more xD like loooots more :D
7/5/2014 c10 Guest
Keep writing
5/15/2014 c6 jklj
she sounds like such a jackass
rose died I am marie LOL ya sure you are you stupid little whore
4/15/2013 c10 Bruce.DaBear
help! save her rose! noo! :( love the story, keep writing :D
10/26/2012 c9 shadow-kissed angel
great chapter... but Lissa seems like she doesn't care about Rose to me... like she just turns and walks away at big moments while Rose thinks of her as a sister... well update soon!
10/25/2012 c9 CoffeeCreamerCupcake
Sad you have so little reviews but keep writing.
10/18/2012 c2 VASadieBadAss
this is actually how i wished it i wished rose got depressed i couldn't understand how she could be so strong and independent i wanted to see rose weak i know this sounds evil of me but maybe this has more to do with me personally than rose but when its her POV i want to be in her shoes and im not strong like her character but i didn't expect suicide i expected cutting like lissa but this is good cause i understand Lol x
10/8/2012 c7 Guest
u should continue instead of having people adopt it because i luv the plot and i feel someone will take it over and just compleatly ruin it and it will suck...and again i luv ur writing so please continue becaause it is great
10/8/2012 c7 Dany.AngelsvsDeamons
The review that is writen before is mine, my mail is , if u think im able to adopt the story mail me please
I ' ve got plenty of ideas for the story
10/8/2012 c7 Guest
Hey id like to adopt your story, but also i would like that if i do it i could send you every chapter before i post it so that u correct it and that it doesnt change too much the course of the story
P.s: im chilean, english is my second language and i think it would be better that if i adopt the story u correct it first
9/24/2012 c6 shadow-kissed angel
XO i REALLY think rose should have accepted... but i really want to see what she does now . UPDATE SOON PLEASE!
9/21/2012 c6 star
it was great cant wat for the next chap
9/19/2012 c5 shadow-kissed angel
love it! i kinda want a new guy for the new Marie . well LOVE the story! hope you can update soon!
9/17/2012 c5 kelly
Wow Rose is so different. I hope things gets better and i can't wait to read the action packed next chapter
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