Just In
for Redemption and Madness

10/24/2021 c50 5RanVor
Alright, now that I've finally read through all of this, here's what I think about the story.

The things I like:
- How you portray Lelouch's self-loathing and how the whole "Lelouch the Ultimate Evil" narrative exists mostly in Lelouch's head.
- The Lelouch&Suzaku friendship is super cute.
- Bloodbeard is actually very well written for an OC villain and I've enjoyed him a lot. He's a very effective foil to Lelouch, his taunts hit hard, he's dangerous but not overpowered.
- Arthur is best dad.
- The banter between Lelouch and Ohgi is great. In fact, I like this cynical, slightly unhinged but reliable and wise version of him more than his extremely ironic self from Zero of the Black Crusade.
- The confrontation with Vlad in hell was very cool.
- You actually made me like Chiba a little, I don't think it's ever happened before.

The things I don't like:
- Your Kallen sucks. She's way too passive, she spends half of the story pregnant but even before that, she barely does anything, staying behind and letting Lelouch and Suzaku deal with everything. What you've done with her here is an insult to her character.
- Your gross misrepresentation of Schneizel, his personality and goals.
- I really, really hate how you portrayed the relationship between Lelouch and Nunnally. The points you've made may have been valid in the past, but on the Damocles, Lelouch acknowledged Nunnally's strength. He realized that she no longer needed him and that gave him the strength to proceed with Zero Requiem. That's why he left the world in her care. Because he knew she was ready for that responsibility. And yes, it is true that Lelouch was emotionally dependent on Nunnally, but the reverse is also true. He was just as much a foundation of her world as she was of his. How could it not be the case when they'd only had each other for years? During the confrontation on the Damocles, when Nunnally rejected Lelouch, she had outgrown that need and Lelouch couldn't have been more proud of her. And you went back on that for the sake of cheap drama. How awful.
- Mikhail is a crappy OC in general, he has no depth and only exists to drive a wedge between Lelouch and Nunnally.
- You handle the theme of destiny very poorly, with many events happening seemingly only because they were prophesied to happen. It undermines the agency of your characters as they try to stick to the script instead of making their own decisions.
- The attitudes of characters towards each other are inconsistent and change seemingly at random at several points.
- Lelouch Vi L Zero? What kind of name is that?

Overall, I'd say 6/10.
10/23/2021 c38 Guest
I guess it wouldn't be Code Geass without a Lelouch-you-bastard-I-wanna-strangle-you moment.
6/19/2020 c46 13IS6A6E
I have a question? Why now does the text lines separate and not in the previous chapters? I'm just curious.
3/4/2020 c3 w0if
Wow three chapters in and this story has already broken the top as well as the bottom of the mood barometer.

It would be the perfect R3 makeup reunion fluff happiness thing, but then there is Bloodbeard, and everything goes to shit

How can this be so brilliant and fucked up at the same time? Not sure i want to meet you irl author-kun...
3/4/2020 c1 w0if
I think I remember reading this back before it was completed... Was this always rates T? lol
I might have to give it a reread
6/16/2017 c8 deathsinger0
wish it was cc who's alive instead of kallen.
6/16/2017 c7 deathsinger0
the wizard of oz
6/16/2017 c5 deathsinger0
holy shit
6/15/2017 c2 deathsinger0
this story is very messed up, extremely messed up. if the creator did this, i'm sure a few people would die in the real world.
3/18/2017 c1 Guest
Just saying. This writing is so good because the premise doesn't make me want to spoon out my own eyeballs. It's incredible keep it up
2/17/2017 c50 4Libertad the Second
This is an awesome work of yours. Cant wait for developments.
1/1/2017 c50 raisins2011
(This is an overall review for the full story as I basically binge read it in one sitting.) This was a beautiful fanfic that really brought out a lot of depth in the characters from CG. It was great to see the various Black Knights beyond the limited perspective the anime gives them and how they grew over the course of 50 chapters (would try to be specific but I don't have time to go back). Bloodbeard was also a surprisingly well rounded OC as his role complemented Lelouch very well and his character developed over time without losing his core depravity. I did find the final battle a little one sided in favor of Lelouch and his friends but I can see it makes sense as Lelouch and co did spend 3 months training while Bloodbeard's abilities seemed to have plateaued much earlier.

One thing I wish there was more of would have been giving Kallen a more active role as she was mostly sidelined compared to the anime. This makes sense considering her position, but her character makes it seem like she would have had more to say/do. Additionally, we never really got to see a lot of the abilities of the other Black Knights in action extensively, but obviously there is the constraint of time and length, perhaps they could be expanded upon in the sequel?

Finally, from a technical standpoint, there were some mistakes with words, grammar, etc. that were distracting at times, but I was binging and couldn't bother to stop to note them down :P I think the most common grammatical issues were tense shifts in verbs, but overall it wasn't a big deal.

Again, great story. Good luck on the rest of your work!
12/28/2016 c6 2Entersarcasmhere
Is it that the story will just pick up in excitement or is that whenever I pick a random chapter it's somehow amazing?
12/25/2016 c50 Spiral-Voltron-Zero0Q1

Morgen is using Naoto 's soul?!

12/24/2016 c50 Entersarcasmhere
Ummmmmmm... What the hell? Naoto? Is there a Adolf Hitler jr here? And this chapter makes 8 that I've read so far.
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