Just In
for Dangerous Truth

6/16/2018 c1 1TTGG03
So amazing.
6/15/2018 c1 Guest
I cried thanks
6/28/2014 c1 wolflover736
Awww thats so cute
12/6/2013 c1 10TheRagingRussian
AWWWW. That was amazing. Can't wait for more.
11/26/2013 c1 12sakura240
Kura: *crying in the corner*

Berry: ...That was...incredibly sweet...TT After reading the other more darker one shots you wrote, this just made us...

Kura: WAHHHHH! I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP! It's just so beautiful! TT I love how you wrote this! I was actually getting worried, even though I knew that there was no way Toothless would kill Hiccup (maybe?) but when I read that last line...oh gods, I just had to cry! TT

Berry: It really was very sweet and touching :) Poor Gobber though :P Not really considered a friend.

Kura: He does seem more like that crazy dad or uncle...:P Anyway, loved the story! XD Totally going to favorites!
5/21/2013 c1 13sakurasapprentice7
Hm... I never actually thought that Toothless didn't know that Hiccup crippled him... that never crossed my mind...
10/12/2012 c1 4TiniTinuviel
Such a good story! And if you are serious about your english, don't worry about it - you are a fantastic writer!
9/18/2012 c1 2thunder angel13
Interesting topic must say its great seeing people think out side the box on a story like this I like it
9/12/2012 c1 8p3paula
sad but true. a friend will accept you no matter what :)
8/22/2012 c1 Kyotaroro
I shed a tear per word.
8/5/2012 c1 Tagesh
I very much like this story, and the sentiment you put into it- The line "I'd be alone, again" really caught me, and I think is right to the point of a basic motivation for Hiccup, at least in the beginning.

Plus, I'd say your use of vocabulary is quite good. I wouldn't have known you didn't natively speak English if you hadn't mentioned it. Well Done!
Cheers, T.
8/4/2012 c1 8Loti-miko
Oh my God!
D: I can't believe it! You write awesome stories! Seriously, they are like... So emotional and perfect, and /REAL/.
Not too cheesy and not too angsty. What's the best part? The Hiccup/Toothless fluff! It would be amazing if you could write a fanfic focusing on these two. I would follow you till the end of time! xD I'd also draw loads of fanarts too!
Just keep writing, kay? U so awesome!
8/4/2012 c1 1Orquwen
Aww so sweet :)
8/3/2012 c1 52Saphirabrightscale
Awwww :)
8/3/2012 c1 2Drago829
aw cute

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