Just In
for Enhancement

6/7/2013 c1 1FFVIIITVB
Good evening Missy!

Just got done reading 'Enhancement'. Even though this entry is about as girly (for a lack of a better word), I really enjoyed this story! I could EASILY see Rinoa, who's a fairly impulsive and somewhat (okay... totally) immature personality, make this kind of rash decision to try and capture Squall's attention rather than talk to him about how she feels :-)

And, now I know that Rinoa is an avid romance novel reader... who knew :-P
10/4/2012 c1 1Peridoter
This story really hit home and almost made me shed a tear. I can't begin to describe how much I can relate to this depiction of Squall and Rinoa. My boyfriend acts exactly how Squall acts in this story. He is quite distant, doesn't like to flaunt the relationship and is very level headed about what he wants. However, he tells me he loves me, and, like Rinoa, I have a hard time believing it because of how controlled he is.
This story made me open my eyes and realise that people express love in different ways. Because of this, I can't thank you enough! You're an incredible writer and you certainly had a connection with one of your readers. 5 stars!
9/24/2012 c1 Guest
This was adorable! :D
9/2/2012 c1 14Rosa Heartlily
I'm glad Rinoa learned to accept what nature had given her!

Great entry for the challenge and a great lesson in accepting ourselves as we are.
8/29/2012 c1 9Twin-Lance
Love this story! lol Love the message in it. I'm also loving that Rinoa is struggling with accepting and using her powers for things that normal teenage girls would be worried about. You did a great job with the characters as well. I'm definitely glad I decided to read this little fic.
8/24/2012 c1 15Moshi Moshi Mai
LOVED this. You had me cringing, squealing, and sighing at all the right moments. :)
8/12/2012 c1 82Summoner Luna
This is absolutely hilarious and wonderful. As a small-chested woman with mostly large-chested friends, I have definitely been in Rinoa's position on more than one occasion. I love that she used her Sorceress powers to do it, but I love even more than she realized it wasn't the right thing to do and got to be happy with herself the way she is-and that Squall got to be happy with her too... :p
8/11/2012 c1 26Ronin-ai
this was really funny! i couldn't help laughing the whole way through. Glad she figured out that she's fine as she is...didn't hurt that Squall finally let her know that HE'S fine with her as she is as well. :)
8/9/2012 c1 1Chel-esque
This was hilarious! I loved the way you wrote about Rinoa's insecurities about being "too small," I think it's something a girl goes through once in a while. Also loved the ending where Squall said that they were horrible. xD

I also like the fact that Rinoa's life didn't get any better after she got the enhancement, it emphasizes the reality that a bigger boob size didn't solve her insecurity.

Loved this! Awesome job. :D
8/9/2012 c1 38Bebedora
Love it! I nearly fell off the couch when Selphie asked if she could touch them.

Superbly funny and wonderfully entertaining. Good job!

8/9/2012 c1 Henyheny
Oh Melisa, you never cease to entertain me. That was one of the funniest and romantic stories I've read. Your ideas and talents really impress me.

What I loved in particular about this piece was the writing style is very similar to that of fables. Slightly like the Thousand and One Nights/Arabian Nights. Gah, Alfun Layla Wa Layla - it's the arabic original version and I can't remember specifically what it's called in English. The latter English just sounds more Disney to me. I could be wrong. Meh.

Anyway. You're characterisation was spot on too. It's just like Rinoa to become insecure when Squall isn't giving her the attention she sees other guys giving their girlfriends, and then to act hastily and irrationally causing rather regretable mistakes. I'm glad her boobs were temporary, and don't you dare do the same! You're perfectly beautiful as you are!

Well, thank you for the laugh. Honestly I felt like an immature teenager when I read the part about guys 'exploding'. I don't know if that was intentional or not, I may just have dorks, hotdogs, and dethroning on my mind ;)
8/9/2012 c1 10Ashbear
First, before I get into the main part of the review, I have to jokingly mention one thing. When Rinoa asked Selphie if her boyfriend had been staring at Frisk, she said this - "Caught Irvine looking at them?" What I mentally thought? Was this something along the lines “Caught Irvine actually looking at something else?” I can see his eyes being glued to her *ahem* assets.

To me, I think this story touched upon two main characteristics of Rinoa – at least how I believe she was portrayed in the game. She can make some rather ‘brash’ decisions, whether it was placing a bracelet on a sorceress or, in this case, altering her physical appearance. These were things that really weren’t ‘spur-of-the moment’ as she had times to put plans into motion or do the needed research. So, while they weren’t *completely* spontaneous - they were impetuous and easily considered foolhardy. I think this was a unique way to parallel that established trait. ;)

The second is more subjective, but I think Rinoa tends to be insecure. Although she comes across as confident, I think it’s more a mask to hide behind. I can easily see why she’d feel insecure at Garden, especially dating Squall. I’m so glad Rinoa realized it wasn’t her and she felt no better with them, it was obvious she felt a lot worse actually.

I’m glad things went back to ‘normal’ well, as far as Rinoa went and glad that their relationship went to a ‘new normal.’ Thank you so much for taking part, we’re glad to have you aboard!
8/9/2012 c1 23Facepalmistry
'But she was wrong. The moment she left, Squall raised his head and glared at the door through which she'd just passed.
'Hmmm,' he thought. 'Did she do something with her hair today...?'
And he didn't stop glaring at it for a very long time.' )
8/8/2012 c1 46cyanoscarlet
First of all, I didn't realize I was already reading an M-fic. By the time it clicked in, I was already finished. :laughs: But no, I'm 19, so it's okay... ish. (Gomen, I normally don't read M-fics, hence my weird reaction.) Rinoa's actions here were so drastic, but the more the story sinks in, the more Rinoa-like they became. Well, that's a lesson learned on staying "just the way you are", because it's amazing. (Bruno Mars! ) And Squall caved in so fast it's hilariously unbelievable.

Personally I'm against unnecessary physical reconstructions and stuff because it's unfair to others who don't have them, and especially to those who direly need them to live normally but don't have access to them. (Again, that's just me. No offense meant. Apologies in advance - to you, and to anyone else reading this "review".)

In all, this is really nice, with a moral lesson and all. (Yay Bruno Mars!) Good job!

/juuust theee waaay yooouuu aaare Yeeeaaaahhh/

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