6/20/2017 c1 9Em Tornado
2 shot, Please! This was pure old! Shit, my sides are hurting bcuz of my laughter
2 shot, Please! This was pure old! Shit, my sides are hurting bcuz of my laughter
2/9/2017 c1 Athens1399
I like this! Jace really deserves a punch sometimes... although #Clace
I like this! Jace really deserves a punch sometimes... although #Clace
8/10/2014 c1 Lillie
A two shot would be awesome
A two shot would be awesome
1/1/2013 c1 Guest
Badass Clary that was totally cool! Jace deserved it anyway..
Badass Clary that was totally cool! Jace deserved it anyway..
8/10/2012 c1 Guest
I think everyone "acts it out in there head" at least I hope so because I do. And then later I act it out changing it slightly when I'm on the bus or something... haha Anyway love this.
I think everyone "acts it out in there head" at least I hope so because I do. And then later I act it out changing it slightly when I'm on the bus or something... haha Anyway love this.
8/10/2012 c1 sasha
nice job...
nice job...
8/9/2012 c1 MysteryGirl99
I love it 3
I love it 3