Just In
for She Wrote a Book About Brothers

4/22/2013 c20 ToxicSoap04
We understand and will wait patiently for updates; also very glad that you'll be finishing boogie woogie bugle girl over the summer. Take your time, I understand how school work and other duties can take president over other things. :)
4/1/2013 c19 3ChocAndSnow19
This chapter is absolutely perfect! I co uldn't stop smiling when Bull said those three magic words :)
I can hardly wait for the next chapter.. . and I hope that Bull and Boone will be okay...
Keep up the good work! :)
4/1/2013 c19 big fan D
love this story so so so much! hoping to see some more Eugene, though :P
4/1/2013 c19 7LovingBOBThePacific
Awww! Gahhh! Awww! Finally! :D Goddamnit that took them long! :D And Alfie and the Dutch boy, - double AWW! :D...Gah, I'm lost for words now...:)

See, I reviewed - Happy now? Juicy Fruit? :-D

3/23/2013 c18 LovingBOBThePacific
Awwwww with more awww on! I just don't know how you do it! :D Loving this chapter as every other chapter hun :3
3/20/2013 c17 beth.rodrigues.77
Waiting anxiously for your update! Great chapter! Bye; D
3/14/2013 c1 Guest
You know that they take your physical before they pass you. She would have been discovered.
3/12/2013 c17 ChocAndSnow19
This story is getting better and better!
Alfie is a really interesting character. I like him very much... and I can't wait for the next chapter :)
3/11/2013 c1 6ISS1988
3/10/2013 c17 7LovingBOBThePacific
Hey you! Great to see you've managed to put the pieces together for an update! :)
Haha, I love Alfie - he's sassy, adorable and I can't stand for any accents, you know that, damn it! :P
You know, if you update more in this week to come, you know that I might not be able to read and review before at least Thursday afternoon :)
Great chapter, Becca! :D
3/4/2013 c16 6Crazyforkasey
The story is growing on me How about they get their sh... Together soon ;)
3/3/2013 c16 7LovingBOBThePacific
I'm running out of compliements here! -meant in the good way :) You know I love this story, and I love you :3
Update asap!
2/19/2013 c15 46wandertogondor
Awwww! Another great chapter! How do you make it so perfect? Please, share your secret :)
2/16/2013 c15 7LovingBOBThePacific
Wow, great chapter Becs! :D You've really become good at writing battle scenes plus putting even more details into the content of the chapter - not that you wasn't good at it before, but, yeah, you get what I mean, right? :)
I hope to get to talk with you in the weekend or in next week since I have a week off school! xD

Take it easy with the cold, cowgirl!

1/29/2013 c14 Jo
ahh I love this story so much! I think chapters could be longer but that's just because I want to read more as possible! but they are just right the way they are. I hope there's more Eugene action, though :3
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