Just In
for She Wrote a Book About Brothers

1/28/2013 c14 46wandertogondor
I loved that little moment with the was like a escape from the gruesome scene around her. Alos, it was adorable the way Gene put his hand over her mouth. I don't know why. But I know for sure that I was smiling like a madman all throughout this chapter.
1/28/2013 c14 7LovingBOBThePacific
Marvelous chap, Becs! Really well done! :D

Looking forward to talk to you in the weekend!

1/27/2013 c14 1emmylou92
I like to long chapters cause they keep me going till the next one,lol. :)
1/22/2013 c13 3ChastityHope13
This story is really wonderful! I hope you continue with updates soon! :) you have a really great gift for writing, and the characterizations are very accurate.
1/22/2013 c13 1emmylou92
Love this story. PLEASE, keep the good work going. :)
1/22/2013 c13 46wandertogondor
"A bull never falls," That was gold!
I can clearly see that you put so much detail and love into these last few chapters!
1/22/2013 c13 7LovingBOBThePacific
Aww, why make Joe evil, or was that on purpose? ;)
However, I really loved this chap - very well written with lots of details. You can really feel how much of an WW2 buff you are
Love you! Miss you! Lots!

1/12/2013 c12 LovingBOBThePacific
Becca, I thought that we were NOT to mention that it is resting at the bottom of the ocean!? :P

Hell yeah, I'm in! I've got so much to tell my favorite American! :)

Don't worry about the writer's block, hun - with your imagination it'll come eventually! :D

-Your favorite Dane

1/12/2013 c12 7LittleMissYorkie
Woohoo! I'm so fantastically it got there! And I'm even gladder you tried it the English way, us yorkies know how to make a proper brew (that's tea in Yorkshire terms) I'm glad you're a convert haha. By the way, my 18th birthday is in two weeks and I think by the time yours gets here, it'll have come on my birthday :)
Don't worry about writers block, I'm stumped too
Write soon!
Yorkie xx
12/15/2012 c11 46wandertogondor
Pshhh! This wasn't bogus! I think it was cute! I LOVE LOVE LOVE how Luz calls her Mae...adorkable! And Bull LOL! he's such a sweetheart!
12/12/2012 c11 7LovingBOBThePacific
Don't you dare call it bogus, Becca Lyn! :O
It was beautifully written!
Please update soon!
I really hope to get to talk with you some time doing the weekend :)
11/20/2012 c10 callalily357
Hashey doesn't appear until Episode 3: Carentan, because he is a replacement. Great story!
11/19/2012 c10 beth.rodrigues.77
Update please! I'm loving your story! Congratulations!
11/19/2012 c10 46wandertogondor
I couldn't review on the last chapter for some reason...ugh!
Anyway: oh, my gosh! I loved this chapter! I love how all the men are poking fun at her and Bull :) Keep up the great work!
11/19/2012 c10 7LovingBOBThePacific
Loved this as I always do, so it really ain't that much new news, is it? :P
But I can also see a change of Loretta's personality - she's not that shy anymore! :D
Please update soon, Becs - I'd wish I had the time to actually get some writing done - damned school though I probably shouldn't say that since education unfortunately comes before writing, right?
Though, writing actually helps with my education and schoolwork - well, at least in English, that still counts for somethin' right? :/

However, can't wait for more - great job, hun!:3
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