8/20/2012 c2 7LovingBOBThePacific
I loved this hun!:o). Oh, oh, May I suggest a certain handsome man with that raspy voice ? :-*... I know you would do a fantastic job with him though what happens in ep. 7. I can imagine how cute they would be together no matter their differences and different personalities! :D
I love you, much love headed your way!
I loved this hun!:o). Oh, oh, May I suggest a certain handsome man with that raspy voice ? :-*... I know you would do a fantastic job with him though what happens in ep. 7. I can imagine how cute they would be together no matter their differences and different personalities! :D
I love you, much love headed your way!
8/19/2012 c2 51LauRa-ReaDinG-XoX
First off, good luck with high school, its not that bad it may seem in year 7 but it gets better, i'm finishing year 12 this year so i know what you mean about homeowrk coming first lol. The chapter was great, i love hoe they didnt kick her out but moved her to be medic with Roe and Spina. It will be great to see how the guys feel about her and Sobel pesting her every moment. Cant wait for an update :)
First off, good luck with high school, its not that bad it may seem in year 7 but it gets better, i'm finishing year 12 this year so i know what you mean about homeowrk coming first lol. The chapter was great, i love hoe they didnt kick her out but moved her to be medic with Roe and Spina. It will be great to see how the guys feel about her and Sobel pesting her every moment. Cant wait for an update :)
8/19/2012 c2 7LittleMissYorkie
I love this story already, you should update more :) i think she should have a love interest who's not usually written about, like Hoobler or Penkala... either that or Joe Toye, but this is your story, and you're doing a great job :) keep it up!
I love this story already, you should update more :) i think she should have a love interest who's not usually written about, like Hoobler or Penkala... either that or Joe Toye, but this is your story, and you're doing a great job :) keep it up!
8/10/2012 c1 46wandertogondor
This was AMAZING! You wrote a wonderful introduction! You know, paratroopers were given an extra fifty bucks (totalling to a hundred dollars) if they joined the Airborne b/c it was a new mean of warfare...so that could be another motivation for her to join :) I'm just saying. In case you wanted to include that.
This was AMAZING! You wrote a wonderful introduction! You know, paratroopers were given an extra fifty bucks (totalling to a hundred dollars) if they joined the Airborne b/c it was a new mean of warfare...so that could be another motivation for her to join :) I'm just saying. In case you wanted to include that.
8/10/2012 c1 7LovingBOBThePacific
I. AM. ! ...Please update soon, honey - I love this!
Much love,
I. AM. ! ...Please update soon, honey - I love this!
Much love,