Just In
for Love, Lies and War

2/12/2018 c1 Anime Sports Lover
It was awesome but the story just a little short but I still love it.
10/27/2016 c25 BURNTE232222
7/25/2015 c25 4Gemini Central Station
I friggin called it. I knew both had to be pregers
7/23/2015 c10 Gemini Central Station
Im sorry but nibble instead of nipple cracked me up a bit
5/2/2015 c5 sakura121
the story went a little too fast. but other than that. IT was AWESOME
7/9/2014 c25 2ili777
Cute little story, I liked it .
2/12/2014 c2 7MagnusLR
For the sake of you growing as a writer I have to say, this sucks, really, big time! I mean, the idea as awesome and interesting, that's why I started reading it, but it's so badly wrote that I can't understand most of what's written. Learn english, or at least get someone to read your work before uploading it.
1/30/2014 c25 Appeasement
Too bad this story is now complete. I hope for a sequel someday. There's far too little fantasy fiction in the Junjou Romantica category, so if you'd consider writing another fantasy themed story it would be great news. It'd give me something to look forward to.

Beautiful story. Keep it up.
1/30/2014 c24 Appeasement
It took me by surprise to see so many updates but I won't complain about that. I do have something to point out though.

Everything happened fast in these chapters and it feels a tad rushed. For example: Usagi and Haruhiko made up so quickly that I don't know if Haruhiko isn't going to strike back after pretending he cares about Usagi. It's a bit unrealistic that the problem was solved so quickly. I also don't see Takahiro being gay, but that's just an opinion.

That aside, I did enjoy the hope returning as things got better in the story. When Misaki almost got raped by Haruhiko I got the feeling that things wouldn't return to normal afterwards, but it turned out fine in the end. Also glad Takano's father got killed after the things he's done. A person (vampire) like him doesn't deserve any better (except everlastingly suffering).

Seems like all the couples are going to have fun in the bedroom. Wonder how that will turn out.
1/29/2014 c25 5Moonlit-Ajisai
QAQ that's it awe ah well this was an awesome story hmm sequel please!
1/29/2014 c22 Moonlit-Ajisai
ooh I wanna I what happens next _
1/28/2014 c7 Moonlit-Ajisai
this is soo OOC
1/28/2014 c21 Appeasement
I noticed there are more mistakes then usual so I figured it wasn't beta-ed. Some sentences are constructed in a way that I can't understand what you're trying to tell us, so please do ask you beta to look at it even after you've put it on the site.

Glad Haruhiko didn't go all the way with the rape yet. I hope Misaki will get out of that messy situation before it gets worse. I admit I was confused when Haruhiko took the knife but you explained it well.

The lyrics of the song are nice and very fitting for this chapter. Let's hope Usagi heard or sensed it.

I hope you update soon.
11/10/2013 c20 Moonlit-Ajisai
this great I cant wait till the next chapter comes out
:D : )
11/10/2013 c20 Appeasement
Glad you updated.

I'm so relieved Nowaki isn't dead. I like him too much for being such a nice and courageous character. He's also a tad reckless though.

Haruhiko is a bastard. I don't think of him as a rapist but it turns out that a lot of people in this fandom do (because I've read tons of stories where he tries to rape Misaki). I either hope that Usagi's going to safe Misaki or that Misaki can someone get away. Guess I'll have to wait for the next installment.

I hope you update soon.
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