Just In
for Hospital Bed Crawl

5/17/2019 c4 son of morgana
omg love it
2/14/2018 c4 17Emperor Vanquest
This is an interesting story. I hope you bring it to a conclusion sometime.
2/10/2014 c4 kapurisudesu
Awesome story so far hun. Update soon...for me? :3
Wuv you! K-chan xxx 0w0
6/9/2013 c4 2Book-AddictFF
Death or Shadow would be a good villain/hero name. Though I can't see Harry as a villain. The closest I can get is a jaded/eccentric hero. I could also see Harry killing someone as master of death and the other hero's not understanding, but that's about it. I know Harry's not totally sane, but I dont think he's insane enough to be a villain. I think it would be cool to see some Harry/nightwing action.I have yet to be able to find some.
6/1/2013 c4 4cifer66
A really entertaining read! I really love the characterizations and can't wait for more :D (Oh, and I think a cool villain name for Harry could be called The Hatter or The Black Hatter(or some variation of that)) Keep up the good work!
12/20/2012 c4 Guest
Hope for more.
10/26/2012 c4 Guest
I love your characterization on the Scarecrow and Harry. They are close to the canon characters yet are a different character of their own that fit in the story you are making. How are you going to go about the timeline you have though as Two Face dies in The Dark Knight and he's alive in the Arkham Games? Then Dark Knight Rises banks on the fact that Harvey Dent died as Two Face and not as a hero people think he is? Lovely story though. I've got it bookmarked!
10/13/2012 c4 GrimCharmer
weeee u updated it _
10/9/2012 c4 24The.Benevolent.Void.Mistress
oh you suck. Xp well at least this chapter was pretty good. -shrugs-
and shame on you! No threesome, really?! That's some bullsh!t! -pout-
oh well, and I might still read the story, I'm not big on sad stories though.

10/9/2012 c4 help does wonders
harry: the Necromancer
luna: black moon
ron: the red knight
hermione: the librian
draco: dragon
10/2/2012 c3 Sask
Thanks for the update. I still love the pairing
10/1/2012 c3 GrimCharmer
plssss update _
9/13/2012 c3 The.Benevolent.Void.Mistress
*sigh* Crane is such a D-bag. Is Harry gonna dump him?
Edward would treat him better And as the author isn't
it your ultimate goal-nay!-DUTY to make your character happy? :D
C'mon Adell, do the right thing here! Give Harry the happiness he deserves!
Or, OR! At the VERY LEAST make them have a mega hawt three-way! XD

The Mistress
9/7/2012 c2 Guest
Really like this, if it were more than only two chapters would say, in both creepy but compleling and HP/crossovers in general it's a favourite, hope to see more soon.
9/5/2012 c2 Sask
I really love this story. I can't wait for the next chapter!
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