Just In
for A Parrot's Life for Me

7/14/2013 c1 Hearts Takeru
Digidestined Ninja of Sunshine told me to read this... and I loved it. :)

Beautiuful work here, with this piece. Takeru and Yamato bonding... I truly wish this happened in the actual anime.
6/26/2013 c1 fxckingwatermelxns
This was just way to cute! I love it! :3
5/23/2013 c1 Paz
Awwww this story was just too cute! And hilarious, I think that if this had happened in the anime, this is how it would have been. I also liked that Izzy was in this, it could perfectly explain how he got so interested in computers as a kid. Great story! Loved it :)
4/14/2013 c1 3eatenalivebyboredom
AWW! I loved this story! It was so cute!
4/11/2013 c1 85Kal-El Fornia
This was hilarious. Seriously, it was. I love the idea of them being responsible kind of for the whole parrot on thing, and it was fun seeing a possible side story that I had never even pictured happening in the anime. Really great I think. Honestly, I laughed out loud on the bus today, and a homeless dude began staring at me. Damn fine job. Damn fine.
9/12/2012 c1 23dnofsunshine
Yay! I loved it! You should write more like this! It was awesome!
8/17/2012 c1 2LBanime
O love it and very well described and this nthought never occured to me **, just awesome althouhg I would have loved to see more matt/t.k bonding such as emotionally

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