Just In
for Heroes

8/17/2019 c2 ThePlaceWhereRobinDied
I so much wish the third part was ever uploaded 0
6/14/2017 c2 karin88
Damn, I can't believe you never finished this :( It is beautiful all the same though ;) thank you for writing it!
10/5/2015 c2 Rose Diva
Love it :)
10/28/2014 c2 4MissClairol
Excellent! I would love to read more.
4/4/2014 c2 3XxBrairRosexX
Omfg, what happened? DX I need moar!
6/14/2013 c2 4Worlds Unreal
This is really good! Love the way you took your time on the details and really savored every moment.
I INSIST that you write another chapter!
12/17/2012 c2 3rowen raven
Wow this is so sexy! I can't wait to read the rest. love the attention to detail.
12/15/2012 c2 C Elise
Very good story !
9/28/2012 c1 1yaoifanfake
will you be makeing another chapter?
8/17/2012 c1 29teasetillyoudrop
Love love love the tension you wrote in this chapter and all the dramatic and romantic elements. especially this part

Something more than words passed between the two men, something potent and pregnant with intimacy and shared emotion. The look on Dick's face was enough. It was too much. The weight of it pressed more painfully on Bruce's chest than the heavy leather and Kevlar that protected him night after night. He let out a soft breath.

so much unsaid things between these two that are potentially more hurtful than any thing they deal with as crime fighters. And the palatable fear Bruce feels not only of ruining Dick's life, but also gaining some type of happiness in the relationship they COULD have, only to have it taken away from him.

one detail bothers me though, Bruce and Dick are both blue eyed and dark haired beauts. I believe you wrote that Bruce had brown eyes.

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