Just In
for The Perils of Innocence

2/5 c34 Anon
Rereading this again and hoping it'll be updated one day. Even if its just a summary about what was planned.
12/30/2024 c34 49sergeant peace
hi, yes. hello, i need more please. this story has its hooks in me
12/17/2024 c34 Splax
No, the story isn't abandoned.

And then he abandoned it OMEGALUL
12/1/2024 c34 Guest
Wow! Just read all of this story in 24h… so good! I love your new characters and the simple way the story’s written. I do hope there will be more chapters some day, though!
Thanks for this story!
11/30/2024 c34 TheLittleRoguex
Thank you so very much for sharing this work of art with us
11/28/2024 c6 dixonjason403 the point of this story? nothings happening, theres no hook.
10/30/2024 c34 Prime808
Not abandoned huh sure 4 years now do you hope this story gets continued someday got a good amount of potential still left in it
10/11/2024 c34 Gryffindorforever4242
Hope you finish it
10/11/2024 c34 Gryffindorforever4242
Love it
9/12/2024 c1 garrycooper101
Thank you for a great story!
9/3/2024 c34 16SkyPalaceBuilder
Yes, yes, yes! Get them out of this whole country, honestly! It’ll be better for Harry, possibly his friends too!
9/3/2024 c31 SkyPalaceBuilder
This is horrifying. And the worst part is they can’t even take Hermione out of school because she’ll get obliviated. What a nightmare.

I suppose she could go to the smaller school options but they don’t sound great.
9/3/2024 c28 SkyPalaceBuilder
How is “betrayal” a crime but killing 12 non-magical people is not? Do they seriously only count Peter’s murder as a crime because he’s a wizard and don’t care about the dozen other casualties?

Well, Wizarding U.K. being absolutely atrocious isn’t surprising, I suppose.

I have to admit I was deeply taken aback by the exorbitant costs for Hogwarts schooling, AND that muggleborns get obliviated if they don’t go to a magical school, that is so horrifying.
8/25/2024 c28 mcclureveronica61
When you think about it , Hogwarts years is merely the equivalent of Junior High/Middle school and High school in the U.S. or Secondary and High schools in Britain?
8/12/2024 c1 2OmegaChrome
I was linked this story off Reddit. I haven't read the summary at all. I am coming into this knowing that it's incomplete, and absolutely nothing else. Prepare for comments. Because this first chapter has managed to intrigue me.
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