Just In
for Total Eclipse of the Heart

12/2/2021 c11 AzzIzz88
Wow, what a great and emotional story! I hope you'll find the time and motivation to finish it one day :)
9/19/2021 c11 Susieliz31
Please continue
I don’t like ray!
12/27/2020 c4 fwog
12/27/2020 c11 fwog
6/21/2020 c11 bunnykim89
I hope u continue this story because it is fascinating. I became hooked after the first chapter and bing read it. I love the concept and hope you update soon.
5/24/2019 c11 ASDFGHJKL123abc
Loving this fix! Can’t wait for the next update
5/5/2019 c11 optimistic alex
I am loving this story! The angst and heartache are making this a very hard story to stop reading. Please keep writing this awesome story!
3/29/2019 c11 jupiter2005
Raye gets what she deserves for destroying whatever may have happened between Darien and Serena. I hope that Darien gets his divorce and makes things better for his son. Also hope that he can get another chance with Serena. Keep up the good work.
3/9/2019 c11 Guest
Why dose rei care she is having an affair
3/9/2019 c11 11TropicalRemix
i'm glad that he is finally divorcing raye. maybe he can fix things with serena.
3/5/2019 c10 SaturnnFoxx
OMG! I just found this and it’s so juicy. Love what you have and can’t wait for the next update!
2/9/2019 c10 Bky
This is the first time I read this fan fic, im so glad I found it! I read all avalable chapters in one day, its 4 am as I write this. I have neber hated Ray's character in any ohter story as much as I hate her in this... but then I feel sorry if it isball caused by mental imbalance... I think she probably knew Bennet was the name she used cause she seems to have kept a letter. I am anxiously awaiting next chapter, I hope everything is well with you.
1/23/2019 c10 1xSapphirexRosesxFanx
all are stupid! People are dumn
1/20/2019 c10 1Yazlee7313
All I don't think I ever hate it so much a Raye right now.

I really hope that b gets whats coming to her
1/19/2019 c10 Guest
I hate reading about rei
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