Just In
for Good and Faithful Servant

5/23/2017 c1 5nobody yet
Never thought I'd like George. Excellent
2/20/2017 c1 Guest
Even the tone of the story comes across as typically George. Well done. Excellent.
1/23/2017 c1 6karameiwaku
An excellent bit of George, here. I like that this shows that while George may not have liked Merlin, he recognized that Merlin was Arthur's man, through and through.
12/17/2016 c1 Guest
Excellent. Clever George!
11/3/2016 c1 6BooksAreMedicine
Good for George!
9/15/2016 c1 Tater Tots
HAHAHAHA ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . . George. Those were good times *wipes at a tear*

I always wanted to see more of Impeccable Manservant George! thanks for making my wish a reality :D

7/13/2015 c1 4Snowball519
Lol I loved the end authors note
5/13/2014 c1 Person27
It would be nice if we could have seen George like this in the show. He really should have been included more often, even in his "proper" servant attitude. It was always funny comparing him to Merlin.
Anyway, I like this secretive and blackmailing side of him. It makes him seem like another Merlin; he's just a "servant", but at times, the whole of Camelot rests on his shoulders.
2/7/2014 c1 1kitsunelullaby
Haha catching a crime, getting a raise, making loopholes in promises, doing good deeds, and doing other peoples chores. Wow he had a busy day. :)
12/25/2012 c1 28Tonzura123
Finally! A story about the awesome-ness of George! I love that you keep up his prim manners, but still let him come through victorious. Personally, I love George, so it was wonderful to see him shine here.

Great story!

As Always,
12/22/2012 c1 32Moon Fox
hehehe loved it. I am curious about the answering machine message. Although I could never figure out LOST so I might get as confused as my husband is when I start trying to explain FRINGE
11/12/2012 c1 SereneMayhem
I enjoyed this fic :) We don't get enough George! The quote was great as well :)

9/1/2012 c1 7PLSDELETE55555
:) This is a cool story! :)
nice quote at the end btw. it ends the story nicely
i like how George gets a raise lol :)
i like how George's laugh is sh shocking it stops him from killing him
haha you worked in many fandome jokes into your story very nicely :)
8/20/2012 c1 70Whirlwind421
Good story. That was amusing.
8/17/2012 c1 LaPotatoFairy
Haha, go George! I like it.
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