Just In
for The Beach

4/28/2020 c1 Guest
5/5/2018 c1 Guest
5/21/2017 c1 qwerty
I think I liked this to much.
7/16/2015 c1 Guest
I thought you were going to mention her bikini and Nico blushing :(
6/6/2015 c1 Happy girl
Do another nico and fem Percy fluff story because this was really cute and amazing!
6/3/2015 c1 Guest
I loved this make another one and ps you are a great writer
9/25/2014 c1 duplicate account
Loved it! Hope there is an update soon, unless it's a one shot. Well biiiii! Peace out!
8/6/2014 c1 Scarlet Sapphire Angel 15
Can I just say "Awwwwwwwwwww"
7/3/2014 c1 3midnightdreames3
That was soo cute!
6/20/2014 c1 Guest
It was quite good
5/22/2014 c1 4RapidWaters
This is one of my favourite fluff fics in the entirety of fanfiction! :)
4/22/2014 c1 Crystal12345
I officially glomp you. This is so EEEEEEP. I love it.
11/3/2013 c1 DesiredDeath
hahaha boobs funny ...what was i going 2 type...oh yea good writer lyer did i spell it right ...oh well anyways this 1shot could have a lot of potential u should make it longer:)
10/13/2013 c1 2Nadderhead
More? :)
3/21/2013 c1 4meriland25
Such a sweet one-shot...I love it, is so beautiful and well written?
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