Just In
for Made of glass

2/19/2017 c3 Guest
Ah. The psychology of macho men.
2/19/2017 c2 Guest
The dialogue is very good.
2/19/2017 c1 Guest
That's funny.
1/30/2015 c1 5The Patchwork Rabbit
Ah! This is going to be interesting!
1/29/2015 c3 5Obscured Angel
Thank you for writing and posting.
4/5/2014 c3 gwen B
I loved this little story! that was great! )
8/20/2013 c1 Guest
Why Percival of all people?!
3/1/2013 c3 Guest
He held his own. Point made. That was well written.
3/1/2013 c2 Guest
Get the male macho belligerence going.
3/1/2013 c1 Guest
Lol. Merlin didn't like being treated like a damsel.
9/6/2012 c3 9Fearlee
You should write about when Gwaine put jelly in Percival's socks! (btw, loved this one!)
8/21/2012 c3 Guest
Great job!
8/20/2012 c3 1saroura92
ohhh it would be hilarious to see their face if he had win (with little magical help) since they don't know about his power
8/20/2012 c3 hadtochangebcalexeifoundme
Yay! I am so happy right now! You have officially become one of my favourite authors! Yay! But i will still be reading your other stories and if they are one shots that shouldnt be one sjots...grrrr :D
-Falafalafa Pancakes
8/20/2012 c3 5Locked Secret Keeper
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