Just In
for A Spark of Hope

5/28/2014 c8 7Dragon1157
I believe I know what the gem was in that necklace, and I wanted to say thanks for mentioning me. Good chapter, it looks like the gem is trying to warn her of something, and I do hope Cassie is ok. Keep up the good work.
5/24/2014 c8 3Seryiu
_ Another hilarious chapter! Keep it up!
5/23/2014 c8 12ROCuevas
This was good.
2/4/2014 c7 7Dragon1157
Nice chapter, I do like the first person view and it seems rather interesting, I would like to figure ot who captured Cassie and who is frightening everyone they appear in front of. Keep up the good work on that part, as for things I may suggest: I would suggest try to describe some more f the area the characters are in to give readers a good idea of what environment the characters are dealing with, what the characters could possibly do in certain situations, and more. Otherwise, excellent job on describing how the characters feel, but I feel that some parts seem to rush, for instance, one moment the monster or whatever is there, the next moment it has disappeared and Cassie is trying to escape. Have an awesome day and keep on writing this excellent story.
2/20/2013 c7 2Peace Love and the Color Pink
LOL the ending. XD

Great chapter! Full of suspense!

I'm glad you're trying even though you don't have much time, instead of abandoning this like a lot of writers on here do.
2/18/2013 c7 Tzarina8472
I can think of two cannon Sonic characters with blood/ruby/cherry colored eyes, the one of whom should be obvious to most people. If ? is this first choice, then Cassie is probably not in as much trouble as she thinks she is, unless someone has made him angry.

The other character with red eyes usually wears glasses, but typically can be found in a spit and polished lab such as the one Cassie has found. Also judging by how ? was able to lift her up off the ground by the hair, I would also assume ? is taller than her, and this second character is the one of the two I can think of who is tall enough to do this.

I think she just woke up the original bad boy himself.
2/18/2013 c6 Tzarina8472
Artsy ending! Loving it!
2/18/2013 c7 93Lordoftheghostking28
Can't wait! And I'm glad you're alive! :D
2/18/2013 c7 2GingeOnDaFringe
this is good... if a mite confusing...
so, assuming the mystery man is shadow, when does "sparki"come in? it seemed he was from the present/future, but since he only surfaced in a girls dream...
anyhoo, im interested. carry on :D
2/18/2013 c3 Tzarina8472
Interesting how Aaron wasn't concerned about his baby sister at all when she fell, was more worried about the breakables.
Sometime you might want to go through and fix all your homophone and mistype blunders. But, another 10 point chapter!
2/18/2013 c1 Tzarina8472
Nice! Nothing like a good, sturdy prologue to get the blood pumping! Still a few minor errors, mostly when you hit the space bar after a ", making it look " like this", which is slightly annoying but doesn't detract from the rest of the awesomeness! 10 points!
2/18/2013 c7 3Seryiu
Funny chapter! And you used the nutter butter panic! XD
10/28/2012 c6 2Peace Love and the Color Pink
Yay! Another chapter!

Yes, I know who it is, but I have no idea what's going to happen next, i'll just have to wait for the next chapter.
10/28/2012 c6 93Lordoftheghostking28
to quote the Incredibles:
And I KNEW it!
This is so good! Please update soon!
9/17/2012 c5 Lordoftheghostking28
I KNOW it's either Shadow or Sonic! This is so awesome! Cuz I have shoes like that!
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