Just In
for You're a prat

5/6/2013 c1 1Sahba
I love it ;))
8/22/2012 c1 17starshaker
Oh i'd love to read more into the aftermath and lead up to this story. I can imagine it has a lot of potential. :)
8/21/2012 c1 UFEFNEJOQ
Jesse S: I love Star Trek! Hey Merlin, can i watch it with you?

Sensible Sakura:I loved it! Good work!
8/20/2012 c1 121whitecrossgirl
that was really good, I felt so bad for Merlin, I was actually talking to a girl I went to primary school with last night about how far we had all drifted apart; it's sad in a way
8/20/2012 c1 1saroura92
it's sad that many friendship ended that way :(
8/20/2012 c1 6earthly squib
Hmm, I like it!
8/19/2012 c1 5Locked Secret Keeper
8/19/2012 c1 27MagicGirl41
Gah! I loved this story! It made me sad... But the ending made me happy... Does that even make sense? Great idea and really well done. Keep up the great work!
8/19/2012 c1 lordstarlight
Two shot please lol.
8/19/2012 c1 hadtochangebcalexeifoundme
I really liked this! Its actually has some plot, unlike some of the other stories i've read. I think you should continue this and create a multi chapter story. There are a lot of these fics but they are never well written. I would love you to death if continued this and made it into an awesome story!
-Falafalafa Pancakes

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