Just In
for Hunger of a Hero

6/18/2021 c1 3RonaldM40196867
7/14/2020 c1 James Birdsong
Good fanfic!
8/9/2018 c1 Guest
A lovely little read, very amusing! Though I thought it a bit odd that De Wolfe just walked off without arresting the webbed guy? Meh maybe she just left something in her car hehe
2/27/2017 c1 38Lumberjanes05
this is hilarious _ but really, that officer is mean! taking his hotdog.
4/13/2016 c1 Creepy-Stalker
Oh I love his snarkiness. I live for the sarcasm. You did a great job. It's little random fic like this that I love reading before bed. And it was well written. Thanks for sharing. :)
1/29/2016 c1 1OrangeSunset1701
I laughed so hard! Thanks for this priceless moment!
7/4/2015 c1 20AliciaRoseFantasy
Ahahahahahahaha that's so funny...but so sad :( Poor li'l Spidey, he deserves a hotdog! Nice story though :)
4/3/2015 c1 NextGenPhantom
Your lucky Spidey in my country a hotdog is five bucks
3/11/2015 c1 RandominatorOwl
10/9/2014 c1 Guest
9/5/2014 c1 19Ryuus2
...I am actually very surprised that this is not, in fact, a scene straight out of the comics. Seriously, this is Parker Luck through and through. This is exactly what would happen if Stan Lee wrote the scene. It was so good it actually made me want to go grab a hot dog. You know what, I think I will. Bye!

Keep up the great work!
6/13/2014 c1 15Zam the hedgehog
I'd give 'im a burger...
5/19/2014 c1 JustYourAverageSuperheroWriter
Aw man... Now I just realized how hungry I am!
2/25/2014 c1 User has been removed
When spidey said 'you won't like me when I'm hungry. Clearly referencing a certain rampaging green hero.' I could just imagine him turning into the hulk saying "SPIDER-MAN HUNGRY!" Lol!
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