Just In
for In the Arms of her Dragon

5/6 c2 cometothedarkside97
Super sadddd that this masterpiece got discontinued TT. Good luck on your journey tho..
5/4 c2 Whit96
I want to be one of your ARC readers! Love the story
5/1 c1 ratchet splunker
this was always a huge steaming pile of crap
boring and poorly plotted
8/27/2023 c1 sherius
does anyone know the name of draco hermione fanfic where there is a wendigo
8/2/2023 c1 wannabacullen
Please, PLEASE continue this story!
7/25/2023 c1 Sao
This is truly a work of art. The plot, characterizations
7/1/2023 c1 Greendaygirlxx
please do more of this story!
6/10/2022 c1 Guest
Please continue this story! Such good writing and wonderful originality…
4/25/2022 c1 daniloo
This story is so good and original. o hope you comeback to it soon.
11/16/2021 c1 Dracohermionealways
I like your updated work and want to read further. Please update soon.
7/24/2021 c1 fatunicorn96
AUTHORRRR! I LOVE YOUR EDITED WRITING STYLE AND WORK! Hope everything is well with u and u are keeping safe. Great job in writing this and i am breezing through it as if i live in this AU.
7/2/2021 c1 4The Melon Lord. Toph
Can I ask why you've decided to put it all up as one chapter? Kinda makes it difficult to read updates and find what chapter you were up to
6/19/2021 c1 Steph
Hi there,

This is my absolute favourite story out there. I'm always glad to see you back because you write so beautifully. Please don't remove the original story though, I've loved coming back to it over the years.
Best of luck with your writing :)
5/28/2021 c1 Whit96
Thanks for keeping the old fic! I'm excited for the rewrite! This is one of my all time favorites!
5/25/2021 c1 TheBlackHayate
I read story before and I'm excited to do it once more! But please maybe divide chapters, because it will make some life's easier
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