Just In
for In the Arms of her Dragon

4/9/2021 c24 scarlettangel11
Holy guacamole! I'm super excited to see how you tie the story together in the end! Live love your writing. This has to be one of my favorite stories. ever. Not just FF wise. Legit love
4/8/2021 c15 scarlettangel11
Awww no hermione, bad communication this time!
4/8/2021 c10 scarlettangel11
I love the protective, playful Draco and Hermione's understanding of him
4/8/2021 c5 scarlettangel11
Jeje your story makes me giddy with excitement!
4/7/2021 c33 9WolfenxPrincess
I can't wait for an update!
3/29/2021 c33 Slightlycharred
Really love your story, characterizations, imagination... all of it. I hope you are able to continue us with this story as it is truly fantastical in the best way. Silly Draconis questioning if he loves H, as if they aren’t basically soulmates!
3/11/2021 c29 Fluffybunny2468
Ahhhhhhhh favorite snakes
3/10/2021 c18 Fluffybunny2468
3/10/2021 c11 Fluffybunny2468
Ahhhhhhhhh yessss the snakessss ahhhhh
3/8/2021 c7 Guest
when they kissed for the first time i literally got butterflies the writing for that part was just perfect
3/9/2021 c30 hxddenlxght
*imagines Blaise banging the Fat Lady* *puking slugs* *faints*. *Dies*
3/9/2021 c22 hxddenlxght
Nnoooo! Not Draco! He has Hermione you know!
3/8/2021 c14 hxddenlxght
Simple way to say..."Fuck me Granger"
3/8/2021 c8 hxddenlxght
Woah! Trelawny makes another real prediction! Thts happens like only once in 15 years.. A dragon dating his ships them..
3/8/2021 c7 hxddenlxght
Of course it was..
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