Just In
for Traveler

9/18 c78 Guest
The time travel episode makes me feel so nostalgic. I loved reading this story. Hope all is well with you!
9/20 c79 Hypocrite1
Been a long time since I've written a review, but I decided this was a good time. I can't believe you're still writing this fic, its genuinely impressive and I hope you finish this behemoth one day! I went back to look and my first review for this was in 2015 and I'm a grown ass adult now. My tastes have changed immensely so the sheer fact that you've been able to persevere with writing a pokemon fic you started over 12 years ago is insane. So I wanted to write my honest thoughts about the story after so long.

Admittedly, this isn't quite my cup of tea anymore but I do continue to read it. While my enjoyment isn't the rapturous joy of reading something new and unique like it was for my early teen self, I do like some bits here and there. The same things that made this a new and fun read back then such as the minute and detailed day to day life, slow progression to be better while tackling dangerous and world shattering conflicts is now at times a bit of a slog since we've seen it so often. The descriptions of familial bonding, the training, worrying about the legendary threats hanging over the world do get repetitive over the many chapters.

But, this chapter I thought was really fun. Just something unexpected without being bogged down and spending too long on the usual sections, and it was good to see Ash in an "unfamiliar" environment with some uncertainty of what to do. The pacing felt fresh, and even the typical sections of training I didn't mind too much. For me this story is at its best in exploring new lands, encountering strange things from the world of pokemon, seeing how Ash reacts to them and meeting new cartoonishly weird characters and this chapter somewhat scratched that itch. Last couple of chapters also weren't too bad for me since we saw some things we haven't seen in a long while, some death and internal conflict beyond the worry about legendaries and getting stronger. I will admit the long battles, which are well written for the amount of factors in play, aren't to my tastes and I start skimming them a little but I understand thats a core part of this story and not something that can be shortened. I do appreciate when you skip most of them and space it out so you only write the full battles for an important moment.

Regardless of all that tho, this is one of the only works still going and that I still read from my teen fanfic reading years and I hope to continue for as long as you write, so keep at it!
9/18 c79 SuperRai
Please update the bio. It’s been so long since it’s been updated and it’s super outdated.
9/20 c79 bryank97
What an amazing chapter this is! love the way that you played with this timetravel and reached back to story plots from chapters and chapters ago. Also amazing see oak and agatha portrayed the way you did and the way they both look up to Ash in the past. Cant wait to see the charizard/infernus rematch 40 years later! Absolutely well done and good luck writing the next chapter!
9/18 c79 Anatomical
It was absolutely fantastic, and I can't wait for the next chapters.
9/19 c79 3TheRambler107
This chapter was excellent, decently long, and im so excited fir the Oak fight. That being said, i cant help but wish this was a linger arc. I get why not, but i suppose its a testament to your story writing i feel this way!
9/19 c79 Speed Reader
Magnificent chapter, the dialogue was beautiful, Ash’s reflections were excellent, the evolutions were wonderful, and the peek at that polemon was an unexpected treat.
9/19 c78 AidenJacksonSmithDSBB
I've finally fuckin caught up to this book
9/19 c79 AidenJacksonSmithDSBB
and thus half of Pallet town was annihilated in the next few moments
9/19 c76 AidenJacksonSmithDSBB
wh2ole grammar mistake by the way
9/16 c79 Guest
Great Chapter Worth the wait.
9/18 c1 MudBloodMage
10 years later and this fic is the main reason I still use this site, excellent writing on one of my favorite fandoms. Congrats on the dedication to your craft
9/17 c79 30kazikamikaze24
Man thus chapter is amazing! I'm definitely hungry for the next chapter! I can only wonder if, somehow, Agatha left Ash a message in the void for him to find. Time travel shenanigans and all that jazz. Until next time!
9/17 c79 YungHegel
This was an amazing chapter. Thank you for making it.
9/15 c79 Meyes
I loved each and every moment of this, and how you made it a time for Ash to relax. He really needed it.

Truly a wonderful chapter!
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