Just In
for Traveler

3/11/2013 c9 kyunaru
sweet chapter rly liked the action in this one hope u update the next chapter soon cant wait to see what ash is getting from lance and steven keep up the good work
3/11/2013 c9 psychoyoshi79
This story is incredible. Like really, wow. Definitely one of my favorite full journey stories. I'm really glad you've given Ash a unique set of Pokemon. The start of his journey with his friends was enjoyable, the OCs were written well. I'm glad that he's on his own though. I think it shows his strength as a trainer better. You've made it so he's stronger than the average trainer (quite a bit, given the fact that he took down Pierce), but he's still not invincible, even to those not quite at Elite level. The loss at Sabrina and him not dwelling on it too much, instead choosing to learn and hopefully overcome the loss was great showed how much less reckless your Ash is compared to the anime. Stumbling across Articuno was an awesome addition, plus it showed us that there are wild Pokemon that are more intelligent and definitely not afraid to do serious harm.

Showing how lethal Pokemon can be was great. The protectiveness of Ash's Pokemon is believable, and the lethality Team Rocket has shown is excellent. Pokemon not immediately loving their trainers makes capturing Pokemon more exciting. Golduck essentially refusing to listen was an interesting twist. It makes you wonder how many of Gary's many Pokemon truly listen to him. Ash actually battling Pokemon rather than befriending all of them before a friendly battle is much preferred. But keeping in the friendly capture of Tangela was sweet. Passing along Rocket Pokemon that have been rehabilitated as a sort of reward was another great idea. I wonder how well Johnathon and Amelia are doing. Hoping to see them show up at least once more prior to the league, as I really like them. Getting a glimpse at some more experienced trainers like Michael is another thing that I really liked, especially early on when none of the three beginners really knew how to handle something like a flock of Spearow.

Your pacing is amazing. 6 badges in 9 chapters, which also include quite a bit of story and interaction with Team Rocket is a perfect pace for the story. And those chapters without gym battles are always great reads. I'm looking forward to seeing how Ash moves on from here, how Delia reacts, and what his reward from Lance and Steven will be. Those two are another great addition, seeing champions investing time in taking down Team Rocket is excellent. The praise from them really affects Ash and definitely makes the reader realize (if they haven't from the battling) just how good Ash is and how great he can be.

I think the only thing that saddened me in this entire story was Ash not attempting to contact or meet up with Amelia and Johnathon at all. While I understand he knows they're safe and it's better for them to travel separately (even if Amelia and Johnathon are still together), it seems like Ash doesn't care for them as much as I felt he would after roughing it with them for quite some time. I know he's young and distracted by his goal of collecting all of the badges, but I hope during his stop at Pallet he tries to get a hold of them, if he doesn't happen to meet them there.

Regardless, keep up the excellent work. Definitely can't wait for the next chapter.

Also, I'll be sending a PM with a team I typed out as well. I would have included it, but my initial reviews are always super long as it is.
3/11/2013 c1 2Didnt Ask To Be Born
I Fucking love this story! As for the reward, your going to give him Peirce's Metagross aren't you? And i will try to send you an OC trainer over the private message thing although i've never first contacted anybody seeing as they all contacted me. So it might take a while
3/11/2013 c9 Dorben
Steven gave him a thoughtful frown. "The League will be spread throughout the forest in order to keep any of the Rockets from escaping. Lance and I will be storming the warehouse. You will be watching over the warehouse in order to make sure no Rockets have the chance to be caught by the League."

- you might want to re-word that last sentence. That seems a bit off.

- anyway, you just made my day with this release. I really like how the story is progressing and the length of each chapter is great.

Really loving it.
3/11/2013 c9 Yukilumi
Ah, I love it when you update. Long chapters, somewhat well written, and Ash isn't still stuck pre-Surge.

Cool stuff. Wrapped up the whole Rocket and Pierce thing up, for the moment, at least. Maybe he can focus on the rest of the badges and the Tournament again.

Golduck's gone? Good. Ash already has a much better water type, and the guy was a souped up lamer anyways. You wrote him to be a dick, and I didn't like it. Tangela awesome. Almost never written about, and Tangrowth is a total beast.

Reward? First I thought baby Beldum like in the games, but then... Steven's all about collecting rare stones, yeah? How about a Moonstone for Nidorino? And Lance's surrounded by dragons... how about forking over that Dragon Scale for Seadra? :p

Some OC trainers, huh? So much effort to write, but if you want to (aka nobody actually did it), I can give you my dark-type specialist OC and his roster. If you actually need him, though p

Hoping to see the next update soon!
3/11/2013 c9 fightingstoryaddiction
Awesome like always so can't wait to find out what's going to happen next and Ash vs his mother oh so going to be funny reading what his mother says to him! :D
3/11/2013 c9 Guest
good chapter you should try to have torrent evolve or nidorino i would like to know what happened to ash's friends he travelled with thanks keep up the good work and try to update soon love this story.
3/11/2013 c9 2ERX06001
Fantastic as always
3/11/2013 c9 strawhatd
One of the greatest fanfics on this site. I love how you found a nice medium of the anime Cutesy pokemon and a serious dangerous beast pokemon. Can't wait intolerance next chapter. Thanks so much for this fic.
3/11/2013 c9 Guest
Great chapter! I mean, wow! Very well done. I was very impressed with this chapter. Not only did I actually like the new addition to Ash's team, Tangela, I also really liked the pokemon battles in this one. Ash was the perfect blend of awed and capable in this chapter when dealing with Lance.

A small thing, but something i really like, is your explanation of Muk. Unlike the anime, you don't babyfy the pokemon and their abilities/moves. So i really enjoyed how Muk, when it explodes, becomes grimers. Its just a small detail, but it is details like that that make this one of the best pokemon fics on this site to me.

I can't wait to see the reward. Considering this is Stephen and Lance, I am assuming the award is going to be a pokemon. And how they talked about it, I will also assume it will be either a Beldum or Dratini. Both pokemon have their pluses, but I figure Ash would prefer the Dratini just because he might not like the Metagross species right now after his run in with Pierce's. Also, if Ash gets a Dratini, it wouldn't be strong enough to really do much damage in the Indigo League. The Best he could do would be a decent Dragonair by that time, so I figure you can go ahead and give it to him as a reward. Or, you know, you can have something completely different in mind. I would prefer the Dratini just because of its rarity though.

I really enjoyed this chapter, and I hope you update again soon. I can't wait to see what you have planned next with Ash's meeting with his mom and his reward coming up. Other than that, I can only think next chapter will be training with his pokemon. Maybe an evolution...
3/11/2013 c9 1chaoscrafter008
this was fantastic. i could actually see this battle happening.
as for your tournament trainers, my character from the pokemon red game could work, i had going into the elite four:
charizard Moves fireblast, flamethrower, slash, firespin
primeape(trade from blue) moves mega punch, thrash, karate chop, seismic toss
marowak moves bone club, bonemerang, skull bash, fissure
snorlax moves hyper beam, body slam, strength, rest
dewgong moves ice beam, aurora beam, blizzard, surf
kadabra moves tri-attack, psychic, psywave, hypnosis

not the best team but this was from when i was 8 or so and didnt understand type weaknesses and the benifit of hard counters or stat buffing (i also didnt have a list of the pokemon i would encounter and basically only caught what i thought looked coolest,[the first legendary for example i encountered was moltres i didnt know what it was and didnt have any pokeballs on me so i ran from it, i almost cried when it disappeared from my screen, luckly i didnt save so when i restarted it was there again]).
as such i picture a young kid who basically got where he is off of the raw power of his pokemon and a massive amount of luck. as such very nervous( like stuttering or apologizing for everything) and panics when dealing with unknown situations. he should be younger than ash and maybe have received some of his pokemon from family members who want him to succeed. his pokemon probably wouldnt respect him a great deal but are too proud to go down without a fight(like a whole team of anime ashes charizard).

anyway thats it from me, it would be nice if you could contact me to let me know if you use my trainer. otherwise have a good one.
3/11/2013 c9 karthik9
It is excellent chapter.I look forward to future updates.
3/11/2013 c9 6Capito Celcior
A BEAUTIFUL chapter. A LOT of action, Golduck is back in storage, and a most interesting Tangela.

As for an OC trainer...

Nathaniel Fennex. He hates his full name so introduces himself as Nate. Has dark blond hair held out of his eyes by a pair of fliers goggles on his forehead. A light blue, plain t-shirt, grey cargo pants, black sportshoes. He prefers to fight with a type advantage (whenever possible both offensive and defensive, but when he doesn't have one he'll go for the other) but is capable of using moves outside of their intended purpose to dodge attacks or affect the terrain and use it to his advantage, although he's still a novice at this. He's a bit anti-social in that he doesn't know quite how to casually speak. He'll always be polite, never curses, uses big words because he can't get used to the smaller, more casual talk. He feels more comfortable with his pokémon.

Although accidentally at first, after his first five pokémon he realized that he had all pokémon that were or would evolve into either dragon type or steel type. Since then he's been focussing solely on those two (except for a Glaceon he has in storage), using the shift in pace between slower tanks of steel and the faster destructive dragon types to try and trip his opponents.

Flygon. His first pokémon, male. Sand Attack, Faint Attack, Sand Tomb, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Super Sonic, Dragon Breath, Earth Power, Sand Storm, Dragon Tail, Fly.

Magnezone. His second pokémon, no gender. Supersonic, Thundershock, Thunderwave, Magnet Bomb, Spark, Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon, and a TM-taught Gyro Ball to take advantage of his slower speed.

Lucario. His third pokemon, male. Dark Pulse, Metal Claw, Counter, Feint, Force Palm, Me First, Metal Sound, Bone Rush, Swords Dance, Heal Pulse, Calm Mind, Aura Sphere.

Seadra. Fourth pokémon, female. (Trying to find a Dragonscale and someone to trade back and forth. Nate wants HIS Kingdra) Smokescreen, Leer, Watergun, Focus Energy, Bubblebeam, Agility, Twister, Brine, Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance.

Metagross. Fifth pokémon, no gender. Confusion, Metal Claw, Pursuit, Miracle Eye, Zen Headbut, Bullet Punch, Scary Face, Agility, Psychic, Meteor Mash, Hammer Arm.

Zweilous. Sixth pokémon, male. Focus Energy, Bite, Headbutt, Dragonbreath, Crunch, Slam, Dragon Pulse, Work Up, Dragon Rush.

I know, two pseudo-legendairies. But they just fit the character and his goals: Dragons and Steel. Offensive Dragons and Defensive Steel. Steel to cover his Dragon's weakness to Ice and Dragon type attacks, Dragons to take the Fire that might scorch his Steel. And best of all, dual types. Well, Seadra not yet, but when she evolves...

All of the pokémon are over level 45 but not yet 50. That's where I placed them.
3/11/2013 c9 1Corpj123
Again, great. And I'll probably send you a full team of six as well as the trainer appearance soon.

About the chapter:

I again enjoyed it, immensely. It's just something about Ash NOT being useless, that makes it great. You depicted the battles great. I'm learning a lot about writing battle/fight scenes from you. I specifically enjoy the way you write Infernus. He's such a badass- a complete juggernaut, and it's so easy to see him as such through your writing.

Pierce got his, and I'm glad it was Ash that gave it to him. Fuck Pierce, his ass got wrecked. Then Ash got rewarded, as he should've, and something else? Great, you're making me even more addicted to this story. I'll be eagerly awaiting the next chapter in the next 2-3 weeks.
3/11/2013 c9 3master
OC: Raymond or Ray for short.

Appearance: Short, spiky, blue hair and green eyes.
16 years old. Wears no sleeve, black muscle shirts and forest-colored cargo pants.

Personality: Playful and a bit sarcastic and jokes around, kind of a hot-head. Can be calm and patient when called for.

Slowbro: Amnesia, Psychic, Ice Beam, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Shadow Ball, Surf, Water Pulse, Rest, Sleep Talk

Scizor: Bullet Punch, Iron Defense, Swords Dance, Agility, Quick Attack, Fury Cutter, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Brick Break, Flash Cannon

Gligar: Slash, X-Scissor, Swords Dance, Toxic, Earthquake, Aqua Tail, Agility, Poison Jab, Aerial Ace, Rock Slide

Arbok: Bite, Glare, Poison Sting, Poison Tail, Sludge Bomb, Dig, Iron Tail, Dark Pulse, Giga Drain, Scary Face

Persian (Shiny: Black Fur, White Tail): Slash, Icy Wind, Faint Attack, Protect, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Giga Impact, Iron Tail, Flash, Double Team

Tyranitar: Dark Pulse, Crunch, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Hyper Beam, Sandstorm, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Iron Defense, Dragon Pulse
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