Just In
for The Partner of Death

10/1/2023 c1 Gerginscy
So so,it could have been better.
3/22/2019 c1 Spyro fanboy
I love it.
Do you think you will write a sequel of this... like harry comes back to Real Steel after putting things back together but just with a bit more freedom like moving on his own?

Spyro fanboy
7/16/2016 c1 1Ender the multiverse Detective
Very good
8/15/2014 c1 9cko2
A very different take on a herry cross. Not a bad story though. Following rips right from the movie though. Might chaged things up a little different then you did. But still not bad.
4/23/2014 c1 jadedquartz
Love it!
11/10/2013 c1 2jayswing96
Oh my God! This is such a awesome story. Well written and you made sure each part made sense. I live it. The ending was sad, but sweet.
3/16/2013 c1 Guest
Will you ever make another ch to this story were Harry returns for good
8/29/2012 c1 20exaigon

So good! I can't wait for the next one!

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