12/12/2015 c2 4danielemlac
nossa, essa é uma fanfiction perfeita! é exatamente como imaginamos remy e rogue!
nossa, essa é uma fanfiction perfeita! é exatamente como imaginamos remy e rogue!
9/29/2015 c8 tx peppa
I'm waiting for Logans reaction. I personally think that he is going to be hurt more that angry, well just a little. I think he secretly wants to walk her down the aisle.
I'm waiting for Logans reaction. I personally think that he is going to be hurt more that angry, well just a little. I think he secretly wants to walk her down the aisle.
9/18/2015 c8 Purple Majestic
I am really enjoying reading this story and look forward to reading more of it. this is my favorite couple in the x-men series!
I am really enjoying reading this story and look forward to reading more of it. this is my favorite couple in the x-men series!
9/18/2015 c8 Shellyluv34
great story really starting to enjoy but I would like to see more action heehe Romy yeahhhhh
great story really starting to enjoy but I would like to see more action heehe Romy yeahhhhh
8/5/2013 c7 Guest
Please update soon!
Please update soon!
6/12/2013 c7 10ElliGordon
Ya know, there's just something about Romy and secret marriages that appeals to me
Ya know, there's just something about Romy and secret marriages that appeals to me
4/16/2013 c7 1alesin123
Okay okay okay, I know you said you're working on your originals, but I'm totally hooked so you need to update soon, K? Please... or I'll die :'0
Okay okay okay, I know you said you're working on your originals, but I'm totally hooked so you need to update soon, K? Please... or I'll die :'0
4/13/2013 c1 tx peppa
Love the story. I just can't wait for the two honeymooners to get back home and tell the other. Logan is the one I really want to see.
Love the story. I just can't wait for the two honeymooners to get back home and tell the other. Logan is the one I really want to see.
4/12/2013 c7 Lala143
This is gonna be awesome! XD i can see logans face right now! XD poor remy, i hope he can run as well as he sweet talks x)))
This is gonna be awesome! XD i can see logans face right now! XD poor remy, i hope he can run as well as he sweet talks x)))