Just In
for Secret Marriage

12/12/2015 c2 4danielemlac
nossa, essa é uma fanfiction perfeita! é exatamente como imaginamos remy e rogue!
12/12/2015 c1 danielemlac
que história linda! gostei muitoooooo!
11/19/2015 c8 kittkattt
Please don't give up on the story
9/29/2015 c8 tx peppa
I'm waiting for Logans reaction. I personally think that he is going to be hurt more that angry, well just a little. I think he secretly wants to walk her down the aisle.
9/18/2015 c8 Purple Majestic
I am really enjoying reading this story and look forward to reading more of it. this is my favorite couple in the x-men series!
9/18/2015 c8 Shellyluv34
great story really starting to enjoy but I would like to see more action heehe Romy yeahhhhh
9/17/2015 c8 12ROCuevas
Quite adorable job.
9/17/2015 c8 3Warrior-princess1980
Famous last words I'll be back
8/5/2013 c7 Guest
Please update soon!
7/19/2013 c7 6Sugar Bun-buns
I made an account just for this story.
6/12/2013 c7 10ElliGordon
Ya know, there's just something about Romy and secret marriages that appeals to me
4/16/2013 c7 1alesin123
Okay okay okay, I know you said you're working on your originals, but I'm totally hooked so you need to update soon, K? Please... or I'll die :'0
4/13/2013 c1 tx peppa
Love the story. I just can't wait for the two honeymooners to get back home and tell the other. Logan is the one I really want to see.
4/12/2013 c7 4darksaber92
O.O lol love the story hope you update soon.
4/12/2013 c7 Lala143
This is gonna be awesome! XD i can see logans face right now! XD poor remy, i hope he can run as well as he sweet talks x)))
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