Just In
for I'm coming Stewie

12/16/2013 c1 McFly
Just as a note, Stewie's middle name is "Gilligan", not "Carter"
10/5/2013 c1 A
So far I'm loving it! Ever since the Mr. and Mrs. Stewie episode, Penelope became one of my favorite Family Guy characters (even if she did only appear once), and I think Stewie and Penelope make the best couple! I can't wait to read more! :)
9/14/2012 c1 Guest
Can't wait for the next chapter! Penelope has been my fav girlfriend for Stewie and I hope we see some of her pov in the next chapter! I think you have done pretty good so far.
9/14/2012 c1 7ACompanyofSwans
D'aaw, out of all Stewie's GFs down the years, Penelope was by far my favourite! Great personality, and Cate Blanchett did such a good job voicing her...

This was a good establishing chapter, lots of information - the only thing I would say is that you're trying to download so much information about what's happened to Stewie sometimes it can feel a bit forced, particularly, "Anyway, Brian is dead". It just kind of randomly popped out of nowhere, and it seems like that would be the perfect thing to just slip into conversation between Stewie and Penelope, since she wanted Brian dead - that would have been a much more natural way of communicating his death to readers. But anyway, it's a nitpick in a first chapter that has me very excited to see what's in store! Please take it in the helpful spirit it was intended, and please don't let this fic die, there is not enough love for this couple! Great job, update as soon as you can!

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