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for Why did Kronos eat his kids?

12/25/2012 c2 PercyXAnnabeth
HaHa! you should make a third chapter where they mention percy! Ha! hilarious
11/24/2012 c1 Anonymous
If someone asked this on my job interview, I would think, 'This is going to be a fun job!' and say, "Because he was worried that the gods, his children with Rhea, would banish him to Tartarus because y'know, they can't die, and take over. But it just happens they did because Rhea took baby Zeus and replaced him with a rock. Kronos ate it and thought it was Zeus so then he continued his immortal life. So baby Zeus lived in a cave, cared for by nine water nymphs and a goat, Amaltheia, until he grew up. One day, when he was all grown up, he mixed up a mixture of mustard and wine..."
I would continue until the guy/girl got annoyed and said " Shut the TRUCK Up!"
Anyways, I love this story, It's hilarious, love the humor, the descriptions. Thumbs up for you!
11/24/2012 c2 Anonymous
Annabeth and Percy must be like, "MwahHaHaHa!" at her.
11/20/2012 c2 Bianca Black
10/28/2012 c2 kittyCatnip
that was one of the besst ones i heard seriously go annabeth
10/16/2012 c1 2ETGH
Great story!
10/15/2012 c2 Guest
Lol! I love it when Annabeth says to Percy "Only you would remember that..." Haha! You should make Percy come to Annnabeth's office while she's interviewing Nancy
10/10/2012 c2 Guest
Haha! Karma!
10/9/2012 c1 3Lexiconicy
Haha! That's funny! I like the way when kids go to school, they're all like "Why do we need to know blah-blah-blah, we're never gonna need it in life."
Just to prove that theory wrong. :D
-Ace of Owls
10/9/2012 c2 5prankprincess123
10/9/2012 c2 16rapidChangeIsImminent
Verry, very funny.
10/9/2012 c2 7Balletdancer5678
Hahaha "Why do Kronos eat his kids?" hahahahahahaha
10/9/2012 c2 23David Noklevername
Nice, nice! Awesome story!
9/23/2012 c1 grossasstoenails
9/22/2012 c1 Clafarie
Ha ha! LOLz! Giggle Giggle! Sniker! You should TOTALLY continue this! It would make me so happy! PM me whether you are going to or not, because I want to know!
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