Just In
for Crazy Eights

11/15/2014 c6 23dnofsunshine
For some reason this is touching. Maybe it's because I don't like the idea of my babies growing up but growing up is unavoidable. And of course one of the biggest steps of becoming an adult is getting into college. My babies... *cries like mom watching her kid in their kindergarten play*

Congratulations on making it! I hope your future is very bright. XD
9/16/2013 c5 2allen niichan
you should continue this. the stories make me smile! )
2/10/2013 c5 LILFOC
This chapter made me laugh!
I love that you focus on the original 8 (cause I love that group the most)
continue with the camping trip!
2/9/2013 c5 18crestoflight3
Adorable, as always. Joe's reaction to the bag was wonderful, everyone was in character...this is one of those moments that could have happened. It *should* have happened. Oh, well...I'll take what I can get from reading it. Keep it up!
2/9/2013 c4 15AmiraStarr
This is an amazing story. I can't believe you don't have more reviews! The way you write flows wonderfully together. I enjoy seeing all of the characters spending time together in character. Sorry this review is so short. I will give you more when I am not on my phone lol.

Keep up the great work, Amira
1/15/2013 c4 2myrddin767
Well I have to say I really like this, and Can't wait for more! :D
12/1/2012 c4 18crestoflight3
Super cute!
12/1/2012 c4 Koumi-Locc
Nice read kuz coo read...
9/16/2012 c3 Koumi-Locc
Nice read yo coo chap too...
9/15/2012 c3 crestoflight3
Loved Tai's randomness! So cute!
9/12/2012 c2 crestoflight3
I was managing to keep a straight-ish face until T.K. said 'little Digimon condos'...I'm still giggling. That was perfect!
9/12/2012 c2 Valechan92
Your one shot stories are super nice *_*
9/12/2012 c2 Koumi-Locc
Koo so this is not Season2? If its not still a coo read yo Peace Koumi Out G...

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